英语翻译是介绍公司精神和发展的Great organizations’ engage their people in a shared view of the future.A shared vision is the capacity to build and hold a shared picture of the future we want to create.The foundation for NA’s vision

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 19:53:11
英语翻译是介绍公司精神和发展的Great organizations’ engage their people in a shared view of the future.A shared vision is the capacity to build and hold a shared picture of the future we want to create.The foundation for NA’s vision
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英语翻译是介绍公司精神和发展的Great organizations’ engage their people in a shared view of the future.A shared vision is the capacity to build and hold a shared picture of the future we want to create.The foundation for NA’s vision
Great organizations’ engage their people in a shared view of the future.A shared vision is the capacity to build and hold a shared picture of the future we want to create.
The foundation for NA’s vision began by us defining the things that if we did nothing else but these,they would make NA what we wanted it to be.We identified four factors critical to our success.
The Critical Success Factors (CSF) became the building blocks of the vision.Four interlocking rings which collectively take on the overall shape of a sphere -dynamic and able to adapt its shape,but inherently strong by virtue of its four separate,yet interlocking rings.
A ring to represent:
Staff Engagement.诚信敬业
Engaged in what they do.Learning,interested and appreciated.
Going the extra mile,contributing
Enjoying what they do and well rewarded.
Partnerships with customers and suppliers.伙伴共赢
Long run partnerships based on understanding and trust.
Better outcomes for NA,our customers and our suppliers.
Added Value Innovation.增值创新
Pushing the boundaries,asking the questions,finding better ways.
Solving the problems and delivering solutions.
End to End Excellence.全程卓越
Our processes from start to finish – excellence in everything we do.
Each ring is interlocked with the other - intrinsically part of the other rings and together a whole.A representation of the vision of an NA that is founded on strong and long lasting customer and supplier relationships.An NA that has satisfied,contributing and engaged staff.An NA where innovation and added value exists in all we do,and an NA where our processes from start to finish are the best they can be.

英语翻译是介绍公司精神和发展的Great organizations’ engage their people in a shared view of the future.A shared vision is the capacity to build and hold a shared picture of the future we want to create.The foundation for NA’s vision
翻的好辛苦~脑细胞都bia bia bia爆炸了

英语翻译是介绍公司精神和发展的Great organizations’ engage their people in a shared view of the future.A shared vision is the capacity to build and hold a shared picture of the future we want to create.The foundation for NA’s vision 英语翻译用于公司介绍的. 英语翻译这是一个公司的里程介绍 英语翻译文化作为一种精神力量,深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力中,成为综合国力的重要标志.而民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑,是一个民族实现共同理想和发展目 英语翻译以腾讯公司作为案例,分析腾讯公司在创业期和成熟期发展历程,总结出以腾讯公司为代表的民营资本在中国文化产业发展的作用:在创新精神、人才培养和带动就业上发挥作用,在文 英文翻译:质量是公司生存和发展的唯一途径 英语翻译汉译英:关注生命,关爱健康、社会责任、卓越品质是我们的理念;诚信、协作、主动、创新是企业的精神,我们公司将与你一道为医药事业的发展共展宏图 英语翻译质量和服务是公司永远追求的目标,公司积极贯彻实施ISO9001 标准,不断完善质量保证体系,“以人为本、以质量求生存、以诚信求发展、快速满足用户要求、坚持持续改进”是公司的 英语翻译财富,是人类通过劳动而创造的物质和精神物质财富是基础,精神财富是物质高度发展的产物穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下. 为经济和社会的发展提供强大的精神动力和智力支持的是 公司要发展,需要什么样的精神?从历史中如何汲取这种管理知识 “我们一定要发扬和继承成都人精诚团结、共谋发展的精神”是病句吗 急求Nokia公司和联想公司的英文介绍 英语翻译我想跳槽的原因是:现在的公司没什么发展空间,因为它已经建立13年,职务饱和;2。个人能力得不到发挥,比如说XX和XX。基于这两点原因,我想离开现在的公司 怎么和介绍的对象进一步发展 英语翻译急需将这段话翻译为英文,只需翻译出大概即可,感激不尽~“大学精神”是大学自身存在和发展中形成的具有独特气质的精神形式的文明成果 ,它是科学精神的时代标志和具体凝聚,是 一直被中国青年传承和发展的五四精神是什么? 文化传媒公司和文化发展公司的区别两者到底有什么区别?想注册公司