翻译<every good deed you do will someday come back to you>

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 04:20:31
翻译<every good deed you do will someday come back to you>
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翻译<every good deed you do will someday come back to you>
翻译<every good deed you do will someday come back to you>

翻译<every good deed you do will someday come back to you>

除了对”伯父的眼睛好像你,那么痴情!伯母好幸福!呵呵! ”这一句,其他句子我保持原意,逐字逐句的翻完了,如果你有什么疑问,发消息给我
I find it embarrassing to bother you in your busy schedule but I think now is the time to write to you. I was u...


除了对”伯父的眼睛好像你,那么痴情!伯母好幸福!呵呵! ”这一句,其他句子我保持原意,逐字逐句的翻完了,如果你有什么疑问,发消息给我
I find it embarrassing to bother you in your busy schedule but I think now is the time to write to you. I was unaware of your hate on me until now, but would you kindly be my audience for the last time please? …because I have a lot of words to say herein, thanks for your patience.
We had lost in touch with each other in recent years and meanwhile lost the friendship between, I’m profoundly regretful for that, anyway,life is regretless!( And hey, you need anything, you can always come to me, what’s a real friend for?)
Perhaps you don’t know, I have been missing in you, it’s my fault---my cowardly behavior and escapism。
After high school, my family wanted to govern me into a superstition life. I refused to comply and hid in my friend’s home, how ridiculous I was, evidently I wanted to know your performance in college entrance exam, but not brave enough to ask, why? Fidgety? cowardly? Maybe both, so I requested him to sound you out (by phone), I knew I annoyed you. You were likely to be hurt, and I betrayed the expectation of auntie. But did I feel differently? I hope you accept my apologies, I’m really very sorry! Although I know apology is not enough at all, I beg your pardon, hope to get my confess toward your comprehensive heart, Let bygones be bygones. Perhaps you’ve forgotten, perhaps it’s no need to remind it, perhaps it’s redundant from the beginning…then, gradually I lost touch with you. Did I have choice? My life is chaotic, my world is a mess, I had the worst mood, and how could I embroil you in at that time?(in fact, I had consigned a friend to find you in DongXi, now I know that you don’t live there )
Living in a poor family, I discontinued my studying while was a freshman. In the following days, I kept working and learning, meanwhile, FanZhengLi helped me a lot. Tension and stress from busy work and study enrich my daily life, but I’d never stopped missing you .Like an ostrich puts its head in sandpile, I thought I could forget all the trouble and stop longing for you, but I failed, annoyance can be swipe aside but how could love be. In the dead of night, I was thinking about every detail of you,I will never forget your softness considerate voice, your beautiful and goodness. Every time think about this,I feel happy and release from one-day busy work, sleep with sweet memory is so agreeable. You are so beautiful !
Last time I came to HangZhou, it’s not necessary for you to blench me. I just wanted to talk with you about the past, that’s all I want to tell you. It was a joke that I asked you for a treat. I told LiMing that I had a girlfriend before but broke up, I just wanted to know your response on it, how could I have the mood and qualification to dating with a girl at that time? You consigned XiaoYin to tell me that you already had a boyfriend,I do care that,what ever it is true or not,you will have my sincerely wishes!Have you ever had a crush on me?What a fool I am ! If so,It’s nothing different for me if you were my girl or not .Maybe it’s better for both of us,take good care of yourself !All these years I’ve been living in a fancied world created by myself. Everyone should grown up someday,so does affections.Hehe,if so, is it you who taught me a lesson? People make fun of me because of my foolish, it might be true, and I do not have to treat affections seriously. In some times past, I was mean to tickle you(it’s a “good” idea from my friend, sigh…made another mistake.)How disrespectful I am, shame. Sign…it might be a good ending, thank you. People make fun on my stupidity, may it be, foolish, so what? Life goes on as usual. right? Haha….
How do you like your life now? Remember me to auntie、uncle、to your sister and brother. I feel that you and auntie have something good in common, you have beautiful, spoony eyes ! Your parents are Darby and Joan, how I admire them! Hehe
When I finished these words, I was relaxing, it’s really leisured for a man to live without anything in his mind, let things be what they like, feel at ease under all circumstance! let all the things go with the wind!
I'd like to send you my wishes means more than I can show. With all my heart, Every success in your job. Hope you have an excellent companion that really love you, wish auntie always happy , . Please accept my wishes to and your family.
