翻译:I happened to be at the station ,when it happened

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:22:19
翻译:I happened to be at the station ,when it happened
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翻译:I happened to be at the station ,when it happened
翻译:I happened to be at the station ,when it happened

翻译:I happened to be at the station ,when it happened




翻译:I happened to be at the station ,when it happened I happened to be sitting next to an established programming writer/guru,这个怎么翻译? [W43] When I went to the Smiths',they happened _______ dinner.A.to have B.to be having C.to have been having D.having 翻译,并分析. I do want to know what really happened.翻译 There happened to be no one in your office when I phoneThere happened to be怎么回事啊` 去掉怎么样 ____not in his office.A .It was happened that he was B .It happened that has was C .I happened to him be D .he happened to be 不要用翻译句意的方法,用强调句/虚拟语气/倒装之类的语法详细讲解!快哦,小生这儿先谢谢了! And that's how it was when I saw it-I happened to be in just the right place.帮忙翻译并且分析一下这个句子 I ________ out when the telephone rangA happen B happened C happen to D happened to be 请说明为什么? 各位亲们帮我找下这首歌词的翻译--THIS NEVER HAPPENED BEFOREIm very sure This never happened to me before I met you and now Im sure This never happened before Now I see This is the way it's supposed to be I met you and now I see This is What happened to you .翻译 连词成句:came,you,to,happened,out,when,your,be,house,I,to I want to be told all( )A.which happen B.which happened C.that had happened D.that had been happened You are not you,why Try to be yourself,to be happy,no matter what happened.Understand 翻译中文 When you called me this morning ,I happened -------a meeting Ato be having B.to have I happened to be out when Linda called me yesterday 这句话有问题没. the old man happened to be on I guess that is a strange thing to remember all the things that happened.翻译句子 There ( )nobody in the room.were just happened being were happened happened to be.