各位大虾请教一道英语数学题SAT if n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tensif n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tens digit,which of the following statements must be true?A.n is a multiple of 4B.n

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:40:50
各位大虾请教一道英语数学题SAT if n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tensif n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tens digit,which of the following statements must be true?A.n is a multiple of 4B.n
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各位大虾请教一道英语数学题SAT if n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tensif n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tens digit,which of the following statements must be true?A.n is a multiple of 4B.n
各位大虾请教一道英语数学题SAT if n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tens
if n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tens digit,which of the following statements must be true?
A.n is a multiple of 4
B.n is a multiple of 7
D.n is greater than 40
SAT 学霸更好了.是2011年1月真题SECTION8 的第10题.

各位大虾请教一道英语数学题SAT if n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tensif n is a two-digit number whose units digit is 4 times its tens digit,which of the following statements must be true?A.n is a multiple of 4B.n
所以是7的倍数没错 选B