我想要一篇关于个人介绍的英文小文章就是个人介绍 英文的 随便怎么介绍都行

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 03:10:41
我想要一篇关于个人介绍的英文小文章就是个人介绍 英文的 随便怎么介绍都行
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我想要一篇关于个人介绍的英文小文章就是个人介绍 英文的 随便怎么介绍都行
就是个人介绍 英文的 随便怎么介绍都行

我想要一篇关于个人介绍的英文小文章就是个人介绍 英文的 随便怎么介绍都行
Aristotle,384–322 B.C., Greek philosopher, b. Stagira. He is sometimes called the Stagirite.
WorksAristotle's extant writings consist largely of his written versions of his lectures; some passages appear to be interpolations of notes made by his students; the texts were edited and given their present form by Andronicus of Rhodes in the 1st cent. B.C. Chief among them are the Organum, consisting of six treatises on logic; Physics; Metaphysics; De Anima [on the soul]; Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics; De Poetica [poetics]; Rhetoric; and a series of works on biology and physics. In the late 19th cent. his Constitution of Athens, an account of Athenian government, was found.