
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:55:07
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D2 1. Rebuilding 2. popular 3. Winning 4. honor 5. difficulties 6. jobless 7. parent 8. failure 9. means 10. knowledge
1. discourage sb from doing 2. -related/related to… 3. die down 4. be sure to do sth
5. meet the need(s)
1. For the sake of her health, you should discourage your mother from smoking.
2. Obviously, it’s a smoking-related disease.
3. The excitement died down as the day went on.
4. He is sure to come back soon.
5. The shop meets the needs of the community.
1-5 ABCAB 6-9 AABB
10. important 11. lasts 12. clean 13. luck 14. together 15. watch
16. welcome 17. older 18. visit 19. wish
1. D. 钢筋水泥的交响乐,是为了说明这些建筑的伟大之处.
2. C. 作者把金字塔拿来作比较,是为了说明工程量之巨大.
3. C. 作者引用了BBC记者的话,认为“it is a project of a people”,这条隧道是瑞士整个国家民族的工程.
4. A. 文中作者引用了许多人的话,都是积极赞誉的,认为这是个伟大工程.
1. Rebuilding 2. popular 3. Winning 4. honor 5. difficulties 6. jobless 7. parent 8. failure 9. means 10. knowledge
1. B. 第一段的几个if是为了引出话题,一个新的地图网的出现.
2. A. detailed意为“详细的,细节的”.
3. C. Map World还需要进一步改进.可以显示全球的影像但中国境内的比较清楚,网站花了两年时间并已基本完成,背景是长城.
4. A. 相比Google Earth,Map World信息更新周期长,拥有的处理器少.但没有提及是否只有黑白影像,或者处理器不够高科技,或者图像不够清晰.
1. C. 这个男人最后悔的是他始终没有在父亲死前见他一面.
2. C. 他一再推迟去见他的父亲是以为早晚会有机会见面的.
3. D. 这个男人终于在父亲的葬礼上“见到了”他.
4. B. 作者以这个例子来告诉读者:要珍惜和父母在一起的时光.
1. discourage sb from doing 2. -related/related to… 3. die down 4. be sure to do sth
5. meet the need(s)
1. For the sake of her health, you should discourage your mother from smoking.
2. Obviously, it’s a smoking-related disease.
3. The excitement died down as the day went on.
4. He is sure to come back soon.
5. The shop meets the needs of the community.
Dialogue 1
M: Look! Balloons in the sky!
W: Oh, yes. The picture was taken at an international hot air balloon festival in France.
Dialogue 2
M: Spring Festival is coming soon. How are you going to spend it?
W: I am going to visit my grandparents. After all, it’s a festival for family gathering.
Dialogue 3
M: How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
W: Oh, we usually eat traditional foods such as roast turkey and pumpkin pie.
Dialogue 4
M: Well, Halloween is coming. I have big plans to scare the neighbors.
W: You are known as a bit of a terror. But do you know anything about the history of Halloween?
M: No, tell me.
W: It began in Ireland and Scotland. Families wanted the ghosts of their ancestors to come into their homes, but not evil spirits. They wore scary costumes to put them off.
M: It’s different today, though. We go from house to house in our costumes, saying “Trick or Treat.” We get candy mostly, but if someone doesn’t want to give us anything, they’re in for a trick!
W: I love trick or treating, but there can be other fun. You can have a try.
Dialogue 5
John: Well, Li Ping, we are lucky to have experienced each other’s big holiday. You have enjoyed a Christmas in the US; and this year, I am here to celebrate Spring Festival with your family.
Li Ping: Yes, you’re right, John. I remember Christmas in New York very well. How exciting it was to get presents on Christmas Day. And I loved the joy of the kids, who really did believe Santa Claus had come down their chimney to leave them gifts.
John: And I will never forget Spring Festival in Shanghai with your family. The whole of your family came from places all over China just to celebrate with each other. Of course, I was delighted to get my red envelope – it kept me in candy until the middle of the summer!
Li Ping: I felt I really learnt about America by celebrating Christmas. I know that not all Americans are Christians and so they don’t all believe in it as the birthday of Jesus Christ – but sill, I felt connected to millions of Americans!
Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival, people clean their homes. They think cleaning sweeps away bad luck.
On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they welcome the new year with fireworks.
During the festival, kids get ‘lucky’ money from older people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each other a happy year and good luck.