
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 21:44:35
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2 Rooks (R) (or chariots) 车
2 Knights (N) (or horses) 马
2 Elephants (M) (or bishops or ministers) 象
2 Mandarins (G) (or advisors or assistants or guards) 士
1 King (K) (or generals) 将
2 Cannons (C) 炮
5 Pawns (P) (or soldiers) 卒
The Rook moves as an orthodox Rook.
The Knight moves one point orthogonally followed by one point outward-diagonally.It may not leap over occupied points.
The Elephant moves exactly two points diagonally.It may not leap over occupied points.Also,Elephants are confined to their home side of the river.Due to these limitations,the Elephant can see only seven points of the board.
The Mandarin (or Guard) moves one point diagonally.It may never leave the palace.
King or General
The King moves as an orthodox King,but cannot move diagonally.It may never leave the palace.(See King for more information.) [The symbols on red and black Kings differ,but their moves are the same.]
The two Kings cannot face each other on an open file.For example,a red King on e1 and a black King on e9,with no piece on the e-file between them,is an illegal position.If either King sits exposed on an open file,the other King may not move to occupy that file.
Cannons (Pao)
The Cannon moves differently when it moves to capture than when it moves passively.
The Cannon moves passively as an orthodox Rook
The Cannon moves to capture as an orthodox Rook which is required to hop over a single screen.
In other words,Cannons capture by hoping over a second piece in order to capture a third piece.For example,a Cannon on a1 can take a piece on f1 when exactly one of the points b1,c1,d1,or e1 is occupied by a piece of either color.Cannons only capture when hoping and only hop when capturing.They may never hop over more than one piece in a given move.
Unlike orthodox Pawns,the Xiangqi Pawn's passive move and capture move are always the same.A starting Pawn moves one point straight-forward.A Pawn crossing the river promotes,keeping its old move and gaining a new move -- a one-point step to either horizontal.Pawns do not promote on the last rank,where they can move only left or right.

中国象棋棋子(如“相”、“士”等)英语怎么说全部棋子 中国象棋中的棋子用英语怎么说?(每个都要) 中国象棋共有多少棋子? 中国象棋怎么摆放棋子? 中国象棋共有多少棋子 中国象棋棋子有几颗? 一副中国象棋(32枚),任摸一枚棋子求摸到红棋、摸到黑棋、士棋、黑炮棋、红兵棋的概率分别是多少如题 中国象棋怎样表示棋子位置 如何用英语表达一些中国象棋规则 一枚中国象棋棋子的底面半径是2cm,这样的一副中国象棋(32枚)的棋子的底面积的总和是多少平方厘米? 中国象棋 黑红方各有16颗棋子 至少拿出多少 保证有3个同样棋子一副中国象棋,黑方有将、车、马、炮、士、相、卒16个子,红方有帅、车、马、炮、士、象、兵16个子.把全副棋子放在一个盒子 中国象棋中各个棋子的英文写法? 标准中国象棋共有多少颗棋子 中国象棋中的各个棋子代表什么? 中国象棋历史和棋子的意义.言简意赅! (1)一天的深夜12点到中午12点之间,钟表上的时针与分针有( )次成直角.(2)一副中国象棋,黑方有将、士、相、卒、车、马、炮共16个棋子,红方有帅、士、相、兵、车、马、炮16个棋子.把 一副中国象棋,黑方有将、车、马、炮、士、相、卒16个子,红方有帅、车、马、炮、士、相、兵16个子.把全副棋子放在一个盒子内,至少要取出()个棋子来,才能保证有3个同样的子(例如3个 一副中国象棋,黑方有将、车、马、炮、士、相、卒16个子,红方有帅、车、马、炮、士、相、兵16个子.把全副棋子放在一个盒子内,至少要取出()个棋子来,才能保证有3个同样的子(例如3个