Lose loss lost英文怎么区别 怎么用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 09:54:45
Lose loss lost英文怎么区别 怎么用
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Lose loss lost英文怎么区别 怎么用
Lose loss lost英文
怎么区别 怎么用

Lose loss lost英文怎么区别 怎么用
this is a very good question. I shall attempt to explain the differences between these 3 words
loss is a noun. It is to describe the event of losing something, or deprive of something, or a failure.
Example: I am at a loss of words to what has happened here. I am sorry for your loss of your dog. I am on a diet because I want to reach my weight loss goal.
Lose - a verb in present tense describing the act of ridding something by design or by accident. You better to keep this in a safe place or you will lose it. You are getting fat and better lose some weight.
Lost - a past tense of lose. Our team lost the game. I lost my key. I have been keeping my diet and I have lost 8 kg so far.
So, remember, loss is an event or happening while lose/lost is a verb. Consider the following final example: I lost my girl and I am suffering the loss.
pronunciation: lose pronounce as loose