两道语言学题,哪位来回答下判断正误:Phonetics is language -universal while phonology is language-specific填空:The implicature of "He is mopping the floor with a liquid " is "The liquid is not water "because the maxim of ____ is vi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 20:29:06
两道语言学题,哪位来回答下判断正误:Phonetics is language -universal while phonology is language-specific填空:The implicature of
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两道语言学题,哪位来回答下判断正误:Phonetics is language -universal while phonology is language-specific填空:The implicature of "He is mopping the floor with a liquid " is "The liquid is not water "because the maxim of ____ is vi
判断正误:Phonetics is language -universal while phonology is language-specific
填空:The implicature of "He is mopping the floor with a liquid " is "The liquid is not water "because the maxim of ____ is violated .

两道语言学题,哪位来回答下判断正误:Phonetics is language -universal while phonology is language-specific填空:The implicature of "He is mopping the floor with a liquid " is "The liquid is not water "because the maxim of ____ is vi
Phonetics is language -universal while phonology is language-specific. 【正确】
The implicature of "He is mopping the floor with a liquid " is "The liquid is not water "because the maxim of _manner___ is violated.
量的准则(maxim of quantity):提供足够的信息.(不能光回答Yes或No,也不能说过多.)
质的准则(maxim of quality):信息要真实,有依据.(不能信口雌黄.)
相关准则(maxim of relation):信息要有关联.(不能答非所问)
方式准则(maxim of manner):要简练,清楚,有条理.(避免晦涩;避免歧义;简练)