
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 14:10:41
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错!最标准的答案是: The nuclear family

TFT(The Family of Three)

There are three people in my family

the family with three people
晕菜靓靓 的回答是指“核心家庭”,根据字典里的解释,就是“三口之家”,建议把他选为最佳答案。

the family which has three people

Forget it

三口之家地道的翻译是nuclear family
I was born in a nuclear family.我出生在一个三口之家
那么四世同堂类的大家庭就要译为 extended family 了
在口语表达中 ,三口之家可以译为
a family of three persons 或a family of three


三口之家地道的翻译是nuclear family
I was born in a nuclear family.我出生在一个三口之家
那么四世同堂类的大家庭就要译为 extended family 了
在口语表达中 ,三口之家可以译为
a family of three persons 或a family of three
例句:Special offer on Sunday: a family of three is served a free Bottle of drink with their western Buffet in this restaurant.
周日优惠,三口之家来本店品尝西式自助餐均免费招待饮料一瓶 .


当然是nuclear family 拉