帮忙看一下这句话是否有任何错误Fortunately there will be a farewell party as an extraordinary opportunity to meet each other before my leaving.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:53:27
帮忙看一下这句话是否有任何错误Fortunately there will be a farewell party as an extraordinary opportunity to meet each other before my leaving.
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帮忙看一下这句话是否有任何错误Fortunately there will be a farewell party as an extraordinary opportunity to meet each other before my leaving.
Fortunately there will be a farewell party as an extraordinary opportunity to meet each other before my leaving.

帮忙看一下这句话是否有任何错误Fortunately there will be a farewell party as an extraordinary opportunity to meet each other before my leaving.
语法没有错误,但是那个'Each other'的对象和主语有点不明确

帮忙看一下这句话是否有任何错误Fortunately there will be a farewell party as an extraordinary opportunity to meet each other before my leaving. 帮忙看一下这句话有没有语病 谢谢 请帮忙看一下这句话是否有语病I will show some pictures to the students which is about Tom hanks and his films. 帮忙看看这句话表述正确吗?帮忙判断一下这句话有任何错误吗?I saw Vince walk into the room.改为被动,以下是我改的:Vince walked into the room was seen by me.我觉得是正确的,同学也说是正确的.可是该答 跟英语有关.在北京有回答老外一句 Four days ago有哪位英语爱好者回答一下,这句话有没有任何语法错误或其他错误? 帮忙看一下,这句话有没有语法、标点符号,以及用词错误I advocated a new diet revolution - I encouraged Chinese to eat fruit before regular meals, maintain their intake of cereals, eat more vegetables and reduce their consumption o 请帮忙看一下这句话啥意思? 这几句话中有什么错误,帮忙改正下, 请帮忙看一下这句话英文怎么说?谢谢~王先生想确认一下你是否能参加9月8日的会议,谢谢 请英语好的朋友帮忙看一下,这句话有没有语法和用词错误you’ll never remind of me,because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile.如果有语法和用词错误,请根据这句话的大体意思,给出一个正确 初三的英语作文,帮忙看一下有没有什么错误. 帮忙看一下这句英语有错误么?Now days,the public transportation in Shanghai is more convenient than any other cities in China.看一下有没有什么错误.顺便翻译一下吧. 麻烦亲们帮忙看一下我的英语题有没有做对.有的话帮忙指出错误, 麻烦亲们帮忙看一下我的英语题有没有做对.有的话帮忙指出错误, 请大家英语好的帮忙看一下吧!appreciate u for everything u endowed to meappreciate u for everything u endowed to me.请大家帮看一下 这句话的语法构成有没有错误.还有这句话说起来通顺么,符合语法习惯吗,要 Please talk with me in English!请跟我说这句话有没有任何错误?(注意!是任何错 帮忙找一下这句话的错误Liu Tao's get a bad cold now. If I am die.Can you be better?请帮忙看一下这句话有没有错误.有的话请帮忙改正,没有的话请告诉我没有.愿意追加分数.中文原意是:如果我死了.你会更好一些吗?