
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 20:24:50 GRE留学外语考试
  • 新东方金牌名师直冲高分!2017年GRE考试全程保过课程火热开售中>>
  •   Coefficient

      A constant multiplier of a variable is known as coefficient. They are typically represented by letters a,b,c.


      In the expression 3x+5,3 is the coefficient of x.

      In the equation 4x+2y=6,4 is the coefficient of x and 2 is the coefficient of y.

      In the inequality 2*sin(x)+3>z,2 is the coefficient of the function sin(x).


      Coefficient cannot change its value.

      GRE数学考点介绍:Multiplying Monomials

      Multiplying Monomials

      To multiply two monomials, multiply the coefficients and add the power of the variables.

      By multiplying 3x and 4x, we get (4*3)x∧(1+1)=12x2.

      By multiply 3x and 4y, we get (4*3)xy=12xy.


      Do not forget to add the powers of the same variable.

      The terms need not be like terms to be multiplied.GRE留学外语考试