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计算机论文 :Streaming Video, Videoconference and Comput[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 01:53:34 计算机论文
计算机论文 :Streaming Video, Videoconference and Comput[1]
计算机论文 :Streaming Video, Videoconference and Comput[1]计算机论文
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AbstractI will discuss the practical experiences of teaching and administrating a web-based distance course in Business Administration distributed from Örebro University to both campus students and students from other parts of Sweden. The project also involves the cooperation with twenty community learning centres. The presentation will be practically oriented and therefore beneficial to teachers and administrators who are interested in introducing IT as a tool for both distance education and campus courses. I will discuss topics such as the technical and pedagogical challenge teachers are likely to be faced with, including the issues of teamwork, student activity and student feedback.

KeywordsStreaming VideoVideoconferenceComputer ConferenceSynchronousAsynchronousTeamworkLearning Centre

1. IntroductionThere is a great demand for higher education among people in sparsely populated areas in Sweden. Both young people and people in their most active phase of life are forced to move to places where the universities are located. This is a great problem for many communities where the ageing and less educated population can be an obstacle that leads to no incentives for new enterprises. The declining population leads also to a situation where the whole district comes to a standstill with the closing down of services such as schools, shops, and post-offices.

Many communities have realised that the possibility of higher education for the citizens serves as a magnet to people and as a lever for the local economic development. In an attempt to change the negative development they have established learning centres in order to bring university courses closer to the inhabitants. The learning centres are all equipped with modern technique like videoconference equipment and computers with access to the Internet. The localities are also available for students both on weekdays and on holidays. Most of the learning centres serve as a distributor for uni计算机论文