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计算机论文 :The Resource Reallocation Function of Web C[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 15:03:39 计算机论文
计算机论文 :The Resource Reallocation Function of Web C[1]
计算机论文 :The Resource Reallocation Function of Web C[1]计算机论文
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A “Web Courselet” is a set of customizable online course materials developed and pre-formatted for use in WebCT or other Courseware Management Systems (CMS). These newly

emerging instructional products have the potential to redefine the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process and the roles of those involved in providing Distance Education in


The presentation examines the resource-reallocation function of “Web Courselets.” It suggests a new paradigm for online course creation – one that is designed focused, rather

than the current development-focused paradigm. The presentation also explores how this new paradigm will result in the redefinition of roles in faculty-support organizations,

and the changes that may take place in the Instructional Design Process. One hoped-for consequences is an improvement in the quality of online educational courses based on

University adoption of “Web Courselets”. Keywords:

Web Courselet – A set of customizable online course materials developed and pre-formatted for use in WebCT or other Courseware Management Systems (CMS). Also referred to as

“E-Packs”, “Resource Packs”, or “Online Learning Centers (OLC).

Sub-theme C:

The changing status, structures and functions of universities in the networked age: Increasing interdependence between knowledge producers and the economy in the knowledge

society. The Resource Reallocation Function of Web CourseletsIntroduction

We use the word #39;Courselets#39; to refer, at first, to the online course modules now being supplied by educational publishing companies ready for online delivery through major

Course Management Systems (CMS), such as WebCT or Blackboard. These modules are generally designed to accompany a textbook, following its chapter structure, and providing

additional resources and quiz questions.

Defined this way, Courselets are the latest manifestation of a trend,计算机论文