
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 04:53:08
Don't worry…i'll protect you Don't worry.I'll k__ a seat for you. 用逆向思维写反义成语,例:调虎离山——引狼入室 1:瓜分豆剖—— 2:鞭长莫及—— 3:井然有序—— It has been proven that information technology can give a firma long-lasting competitive advantage evidence has been proved that the innocence should be set free.prove能用被动语态么?我记得不能用 英语中为什么在"主词+一般动词"的现在式中单单当主词为第三人称单数时动词要加s呢?第一、第二人称单数不用,第三人称复数也不用,实在不明个中道理,例如:I like dogs.We like dogs.You like dogs. 亲 ,对不起 ,我给你回答的那个“主词第三人称单数时 be动词加不加s”回答错了,应该是不加,接上 主语第三人称单数时用is ,第二人称或复数时用are.主语是I时用am.对不起啊 ,今天看你采纳啦, 用盛典组词,关于宴席的意义要强!是关于宴席的!最好是4个字的词组, 求 一段 酒宴时发表的词考上大学了 要办酒宴 自然要讲几句话 希望大家能提供一点创意尽量简短 也不落俗套 七年级上册英语第三单元一般考什么? smoke(形容词) The education in China has developed _______ these days. A. quick B. high C. highly D. wildly答案是C,请帮我分析一下,谢谢! 把句子补充完整.1、一阵微风吹来,(把句子补充完整.1、一阵微风吹来,( )2、松鼠的尾巴毛茸茸的,( ) 求中职生考英语等级的试题题型.公共英语 用“倾听、气喘吁吁、鄙视”这三个词写一段150字的段落,必须出现这三个词 请帮我看看这段英文书信有无错误,谢谢My name is Xi LI. I'm a student of Peking University ,China. I am writing to confirm some important information about me.I have filled the application. The number of the application is 12345.My fami 《为公主喝彩》中的8位公主分别叫什么 帮我看看这封英文信有什么纰漏Dear Sir/Madam,This is not an application letter.As a graduate student in Tianjin university,majored in Information Management.I'm interested in your offered position for IS Management Trainee for graduates.B 怎样能成为小公主 7,谢谢你为我们的选手喝彩.怎么翻译? Have you informed them_the outing we'll have?a.about b.of c.over d.on It seems we have no control whatsoever over our own hearts,conditions can change without warning.Romance can make the heart pound,just like panic can. 传说是指的是? 江,浙,皖一带有收小龙虾苗的吗?我养了100多亩水面的小龙虾,可是不知道销售渠道,5.1了应该到了龙虾销售旺季,可我这还不动,急人,望高人指点一下.谢谢! 用 气喘吁吁 , 大汗淋漓 , 热火朝天 , 会心一笑 写一段话 用热火朝天、大汗淋漓、齐心协力、窗明几净、一尘不染、整整齐齐、干干净净写一段话(至少用四个) the weather was very good ,____we had not expected为什么不能用what或as?定语从句中没有用what作连词的? We may miss good luck because they are not packed as we expected.的翻译. 用精彩的表演、刺激的比赛写一段话 皖 是哪?怎么读?皖 怎么读?标下拼音.只得是哪个地方? 2009年是国庆60周年,国庆节那天最让你振奋激动的场面是什么?用一段话描写一下写少一点,至多2行