
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 19:48:52
急求高中英语必修一至必修五听力mp3版本 1·等差数列{An}中,a5=5.a10=-5,则此数列中的第一个负数是第几项?2·在p,q间插入n个数,使他们成为等差数列,求他们的公差是多少?最好写出解题过程) He is very nice and clever.You would___very glad if you see this today."We are all___. 这是一种什么语法?you are being very selfish. 英语周报高一课标福建 高一英语上学期月考卷三(总第3086期) 求2个英语词组的区别!急死了!begin to与begin doing的区别,还有只能用begin doing的几种情况…只能用begin to的情况…两个都能用的情况… 在讲台下面(翻译2个英文词组) I am very happy to have this cute student.You are too clever in my heart.Work hard .这句什么意 如何上好一节语文公开课?小一语文公开课,要突出识字写字重点,又要整节课充满低年级的味道? 如何写一堂语文公开课?抓住主要的就行了,大概咋写,上课时,老师的感情很····记住,偶是写日记··········· 如何写一节语文公开课?可以是范文,也可以是提纲! 设函数f(x)=x3-3ax+b(a ≠0)的图像在点(1,f(1))处与直线y=2相切…设函数f(x)=x3-3ax+b(a ≠0)的图像在点(1,f(1))处与直线y=2相切.(1)求a、b的值.(2)求f(x)的单调区间. 牛顿法求方程的近似根时,取不同的Xo对方称的解有什么影响? 什么是独立主格结构?最好讲详细点最好讲讲有什么用 给我讲讲独立主格结构ruti Fanny cut half a loaf with a fine knife的中文意思 求独立主格结构例句,欢迎提供! 小学英语该如何提分呢 独立主格结构的例句和解释 1.( )that in english?It's a car.A.whth B.what's C.who's2.The bread ( ) niceA.are C.am3.This is ( )friend ,EveA.we B.our C.us4.Let's ( ) hello to her A.see B.say 小学英语这些 提 she is very clever 的同义句 英译中:Cut food with the knike英译中:Cut food with the knife 独立主格结构题1、We walked to our new place of work,with the monitor-------the wayA、lead B、leading C、had lead D、to lead2、They--------,the meeting was held according to scheduleA、having all arrived B、arrivingC、all arrived D、h 一道四级的题,关于独立主格结构.题:(在其他条件相同的情况下),a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.other things being equal我的是:if othe 江苏省泰兴市黄桥中学高二物理周周练3 F=G/cosα-sinα当cosα-μsinα=0时即α=ctg^-1 μ 时F趋血无穷大为什麼?可以把公式变形的步骤写出来吗?题目是F=G/cosα-μsinα我打少了μ 1.求函数y=0.5x2-x-2.5在区间[t,t+1]上的最小值(其中t为常数).2.求关于x的一元二次函数y=x2-2tx+1在区间[-1,1]上的最大值,其中t为常数. do you like your school?why?等等怎么回答(英语的)1 do you like your school?why?2 general speaking when do you play the children's games?why?3 what kind of games do you like to play?4 which subject's homework do you like to do?why?5 which Nine minus three is six(划线部分提问,划线在six)_____ _______ is nine minus three? 英语翻译 英语翻译战争与和平是人类永恒的主题,但战争与环境却是各国积极回避的问题.战争是人类解决矛盾的最高形式,战争往往以自然环境为代价,破坏是战争必然存在的问题.战争对环境的恶意改