
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 01:57:28
小红2分钟打字45个,小明3分钟打字68个.谁的打字速度快? 一些间接引语变为直接引语的句子1.John said "i wrote back telling Lucy about it yesterday."2.My mother asked ,"you have already finshed your homework ,haven't you?"3.He asked me ,"do you like coffe or tea."4.The managers asked the waiter 帮忙把句子变为间接引语My teacher said ,“dont talk in class ”“变为 My teacher told us 后面怎么变 将这个句子中的直接引语变为间接引语He says,"I cleaned the window this morning." 急,句子由直接引语变为间接引语请将下列句子由直接引语变为间接引语1.The teather said to us ,"Do not eat in class."2.He said to me ,"I can sing in French."3.Sally said to me ."I am cleaning the room now." 将句子变为间接引语 1."Don't make so much noise ,boys ." The teacher said .The teacher ____ the boys ____make so much noise .2.He said "How nice this picture is "He cried out ____nice _____picture ______.3.She says ," I have lost my English b 都是什么惹的祸 作文 猴是什么结构 打火机子扔到火里会怎样 多严重 打火机打不出火来里面有液体,朋友说没用了丢到了垃圾桶.会爆炸吗 听说刷的经验很多? 我的炎火猴刷什么 魔兽世界刷猴子是什么意思?昆莱山刷猴子在哪? 英语翻译The main focuses of digital cash development are being able to use it through a wider range of hardware such as secured credit cards and linked bank accounts that would generally be used over an internet means,for exchange with a secure m 贵州历史上出现了什么长征文化等五种形态 请问:DNA与细胞的代谢有什么关系? 请问dna含量与细胞数目有什么关系?最好解释下为甚麽 作文都是什么惹的祸 这几个直接引语的句子怎么改为间接引语?1.He said to me,"Are you going home this weedend?"2.She asked,"Is this book yours or his?"3."Stand where you are!"the police said to the young man.4."How do you like the food here?"said she. 将句子改为间接引语1."It's a fine day. Let's go to the country for a picnic.'' Peter said to me.2."You clean the classroom after class today, Tom," said the monitor.3."Would you please do me a favor to carry the box upstairs?" the young woman 高二数学已知在六个电子元件中,有两个次品,4个合格品,每次任取一个测试,测试完后不再放回,直到2个次品全已知在六个电子元件中,有两个次品,4个合格品,每次任取一个测试,测试完后不再放 把这句话改为间接引语Tom said,"How is Ann's father?" 句子改为间接引语1.The teacher said to his class,"Don't waste your time!'' 把这个句子改为间接引语楚王听了,只好赔不是,说:“我原来想取笑大夫,没想到反让大夫取笑了.” 蝉的幼虫,也就是金蝉营养高吗? 知了的幼虫营养价值高吗 蝉的幼虫,怎么吃,有什么营养? 中国新民主主义革命必须实现的基本任务是( ).A反对帝国主义 B反对封建主义 C反对官僚资本主义 D反对民族 女孩天天向上读后感写的要符合初二的水平 不要太多 800字左右 急求女孩天天向上的读后感800字左右 女孩天天向上 读后感的题目,不是:读什么什么有感,最好要有创意,新颖,不要那么古板. 女孩天天向上读后感