
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 11:44:17
函数y=3/(sinx)^2+(SINX)^ 2(x不等于kπ)k属于正整数的值域4,正无穷 若x不等于kpai/2,函数y=1/(sinx)^2+2/(cosx)^2的最小值是你算对了,最后写错了,应为3+2根号2, 函数f(x)={sinx/x, x不等于0 {k, x=0 在x=0处连续,则实数k= 英语翻译Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew 护照都是去哪里翻译的? 英语翻译I had a very busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I and my brother do homework at home.In the afternoon,I play to the park with my parents,and took many pictures.On Sunday morning,I went to the gift shop to buy a gift,and then by car to visit 珠江三角洲对外开放的有利因素 珠江三角洲对外开放的有利因素有哪些 (从三方面)(从三方面) 珠江三角洲为何成为改革开放的前沿? 木子旁加一个周字怎么读 惊喜,约定的英语拼写. 一个木子旁一个便左右结构读什么 木子加个恒的一半怎么读 同一神经元在一次反射活动中为什么可以产生不同的神经递质 甲图中,b代表(),由()组成,要完成一个完整的反射活动至少需要()个神经元,如(反射) 为什么一个完整的反射活动至少需要2个神经元一个神经元包括几个细胞.....说详细点..呃.. 画圆时,圆规两脚的距离是圆的()? 一个完整的反射活动仅靠一个神经元能完成吗? 画圆时,圆规两脚间的距离是() This kind of plant grows best ---it is warm A what B which Cthat Dwhere为什么选C 画圆时,圆规两脚间的距离就是圆的() 珠江三角洲地区对外开放的有利因素是()①珠江三角洲位广东省东南部,珠江下游,靠近港澳和东南亚,交通便利②许多地方是侨乡③这里平原广阔,水网密布,自然资源丰富,人口众多,经济发达 反射的传入神经和传出神经元各只有一条? 用圆规画一个周长为50.24厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离应为几厘米 This kind of apple trees_____ to plant in this area.A.is going B.is difficult 选B那为什么A不行?be going to?望高手指教... 鸟类气囊在飞行时主要作用是减轻体重,增加浮力, 扁平化管理:由什么来制约 People like to buy some s_____when they're travelling in another city. Don't be any noise 为什么是错的?而一定要用Don't make any noise? Don't make any noise 同义句转换 some people don't ___ normally when they're worried A.believe B.see C.excuse D.behave 50年代,60年代有什么生活用品?