
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 01:12:33
I have a friend in China.Do you have one,___?横线上填什么 I have no A friend like you. 初冬公交汽车后面的玻璃每侧有大量的水珠,而挡风玻璃没有的物理意义 初冬公交车后边的玻璃内侧都有大量的水株,而挡风玻璃却没有,为什么? I wish you happiness,in fact,I have always regarded you as a friend,never use your. His brother is a worker,he works in a car____ Li ming's brother is a .He works in the army(军队) 春天来了,鲜花盛开了.改为拟人句 What time do you often finish ___(do) your homework? What time do you often do your h____I love my p___,and they love me ,too you are lucky.you have so many good friends.合并成一句 为什么下雨天公交车内的玻璃上会有一层雾呢?今天坐公交车下起了蒙蒙细雨,公交车外的玻璃上的水珠顺着玻璃流动,而公交车内的玻璃上却生了一层薄薄的雾,我很奇怪! (19) My father is a programmer and he works in ________.A.computer B.computers C.a computer应该填什么 My brother works in an office. 对in an office 提问 the boy‘s father is a computer programmer .He works in a computer c____ My brother works ___ IT.3QMy brother works ___ IT.a.at b.in c.for 说出三个的用法. This computer is for ( ).A.my brother and I B.my brother and me This computer is for ( ).A.my brother and I B.my brother and me 我认为该选B,做宾语 后缀是什么意思 ture是什么意思? 红花比黄花多五分之一,红花数量是黄花的(?) 红花的数量比黄花多3分之1.-------------- 红花数量的3分之1相当于黄花的数量.-----------------已经走的路占全程的12分之5----------------------一条裤子240元,是上衣价格的3分之4.------------------是在上面 NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS,I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT EDISON CHEN. 某收购站分两个等级收购小麦,一等小麦每千克为A元,二等小麦每千克B(B小于A)元,现有一等品小麦X千克,二等品小麦Y千克,若以两种价格的平均数收购,是否公平合理? my mind is clear.no matter what happens,i will always walk towar实在没分了 my mind is clear.no matter what happens,i will always walk towards you,unwavering,unhurried,and unhesitant 确定小麦和月季分类等级的主要依据是() 是不是只要是恒星,就像太阳一样发光发热? we are luckly to have a teacher like Mr.Hu(改为同义句)It's for us have a teacher like Mr.Hu. you are lucky enough to have are c() center likethis one. It is lucky for us to have a community centre like this.同义句 ()()()to have a community cent What's the matter?Why are you laugh/laugh-ing?就等5分钟= =好像是有加ing的那个 三块小麦实验地里共收小麦9800千克.第一块试验地比其余两块试验地少收1400千克,三块小麦实验地里共收小麦9800千克。第一块试验地比其余两块试验地少收1400千克,第二块试验地比第三块试 No matter the ending is what I would like to