
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 03:24:55
音标/'dʒɜːni/的拼写急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 请问SUZUKI(铃木)怎么读? 如何写 某篇文章好在哪里 Yamada Ryosuke这俩单词咋读?给偶音标……实在不行用汉字代替也可~ 很多美国人说他们是不学音标的?为什么中国人要学呢说说看 It's the letter sound and we two eyes to see the world..This letter is I guess I'll make my own way home. W_____letter is this?It's “Z” 填什么 Do your parents Iet you to watch Tv有什么错误 我总觉得我做事,[成事不足,败事有余]怎么办?我是做生意的 我有好几次都做坏事 比如:前几天我邮寄手机 保价没保 物品名称也没写 当时自己没在意一样的 以前没寄过 现在被申通垃圾快递 成事不足败事有余说的是什么动物 This is __(a/an)“h" in "healthy"h" 不是辅音吗? This is___"m"and__"u"in the word"must".A.an;a B.a;an C.a;a D.an;an 败事有余成事不足、^&_ Make out of the way. 请问什么是及物动词和非及物动词? 讲一下及物动词和非及物动词 及物动词与非及物动词有什么区别?只有介词的区分吗? there is nothing ______ can be done by us. ________ being absent,nothing can be done.A.He B.His C.He's D./ means的用法means作方法的意思时,本身是复数还是单复数同形还是没有复数啊? 关于can‘t的反意疑问句一些问题我举先4个例子吧:1.He can't go to school today,can he?2.He can't work here now,does he?3.He can't have done his work last night.did he?4.He can't have done his work ,did he?/has he?第一个疑问: 甲问乙说丙在吗,乙说what was he done,看不懂啊,what did he do.what have he done,不行吗 解释聪明难,糊涂更难? criticize是及物动词,名词是什么? 《尼罗河女儿》里的曼菲士是以哪位法老为出行写的?古埃及周围的国家当时是否真实存在? ill live,your self 女生说吃蘑菇什么意思 diet是什么意思 diet什么意思 怎样才能正确发出"家"的读音我有很重的地方口音,发不好家的读音, starvation