
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 11:19:54
英语字母如何写得工整漂亮说些小诀窍,别说持之以恒什么的,这都知道.中文字写好的方法也讲讲吗? 请问怎么才能把英语字母“p"写漂亮啊? 盱瞩 意思 I'm very s_ _p_ is _ _ to meet you hereIn _ _ nt _ _ ,she often wears her new s_ _ _f汉译英:1.我很吃惊你能在寒冷的冬天游泳,你真酷.________________2.这只考拉很可爱,请为我们照张 水面倒影 报警一天,一个人去报案说;昨天我在吃遍钓鱼,有个人从我背后走来.我从水面看见这个人的影子,他拔出刀想来刺我.幸好我反应敏捷,顺手把钓鱼竿往后一甩,正好打在那个人的脸上, “When you are entertaining an idea,you should serve food for thought”请教各位,如何翻译? 翻译should I let youknow when it's on? Jim gave up his highly-paid job and became a librarian.can you believe it ____.He like reading ,after allA I don't doubt it B I'm so sorry C that's ok D you must be kidding hand sth in和hand in sth有什么不一样 由于光的直线传播形成的是 A.竹的倒影 B.水面“折”枝 C.手影 D.镜中花 改错:Goldfish aren't very enough friendly sometimes. "陈洁"的繁体字是不是"陈洁" who's flying kites? 如果是陈洁和张鹏应该怎样回答? 上个星期六陈洁干什么了?的英语翻译是什么 英语翻译还有:秋季是从九月到十一月(翻译中文)你妈妈的生日在二月吗?(同上)六月一日是儿童节(同上)一月一日是元旦( 同上 )第十二个月是十二月(同上) 给予人玫瑰,手有 ps水面倒影效果 月亮的倒影在水面上问距离?水深2米,地球到月亮x米(多少忘了),问距离.是问月亮与像的距离 “水面倒影如镜”的意思 披绣闼, 披绣闼,俯雕甍的后面一句是什么?出自 王勃的滕王阁序携幼入室,有酒盈樽 出自 陶渊明,归去来兮辞,只是朱颜改.出自 李煜,虞美人,此时无声胜有声.白居易 ,琵琶行 披绣闼,俯雕甍是什么句式 披绣闼,俯雕甍.赏析 delicious是指食物美味还是香味?可不可以两个都指代? 种一片太阳花的第二自然段讲了什么 水面倒影和现实中有什么区别 求小学四年级下期课文《沙漠之舟》 How to translate the two sentences?The most dramatic moment Tower Bridge has witnessed occurred in December 1952 when a London 'Double-decker' bus entered the Bridge while it was opening the point of no return.The bus cleared the gap between the open 春花秋月是美景 为什么李煜要问 何时了关于李煜的 虞美人 how to translate the sentense belowThe barman put on a cassette and a dreamy old fashinoned waltz swelled up and swirled around the room in unison with the two large fans slowly rotating under the ceiling The floor cleared.T 《虞美人》中的“春花秋月”是美景,作者为什么追问它“何时了” how to translate"fixed the dock"情景如下:Jakie:So why are you sitting here?You can't let me finish taking a crap?police:You know,you're so full of it,you could sit on that toilet forever.let's goTalking nonsense,as in He claims to have fixed the sun of