
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 04:56:57
某同学善于积攒零花钱,在他积攒的零花钱中有5角和1元的硬币共60枚问 这些硬币的总钱数为48.5元,则一元的硬币有( )枚 明明的存钱罐中有相同个数的5角和1角硬币若干,他存的零用钱可能是( )元 where ——my glssses I can not find —— A is,it B does,it C are,them D do,them到底是个什么 某同学善于积攒零花钱,在他积攒零花钱中有5角的有1元的总共60枚,这些硬币的总钱数为48、5元问一元的硬币多少枚,要用一元一次方程解拜托了! 用所给词的适当形式填空.Where are My____(sock).I can't find them____you____(like)to go to the park?If often____(snowy) in winter in beijing.do you speak____(japan) 粗加工时什么切削液更合适 There are three examples.Look at them and find out the letter for the question mark? three question~1,Jone had made up his minf to give it up,but on _second thoughts he determined to try _third time.A.\;a B.\;\ C.a;a D.the;a2.He made some candles __light.A.give B.to give3.-It is said that Mei Yan Fang(1963_2003)__famous in the field at last,she found the o___ of the keys .she returned them back to him 中的成语及其人物,与之相关的故事 I find watching flowers is very i_______.If you look at them very c_______.- 把一块长方体铁块锻造成正方体体积变大这句话对还是错 甲乙丙三人以匀速进行百米赛跑,当甲跑到终点时,乙离终点还有20米,丙离终点还有28米,当乙跑到终点时,丙离终点还有多少米? Look at the picture to find () the answer()怎么填? Look at the photo ____ ,(仔细地)and you will find our teacher 说明理由 if you dont look carefully you cant find them 同义句 you can find your pencil ( )you look carefully是什么意思 Don't go there.You can't ____ (find) them.They ____ (leave). 红薯皮有毒吗?谢谢 write in the correct order em菌原液,活力99生酵剂,活力99降解剂是什么关系都是细菌吗?成份与作用有什么不同? Write each set of words in A-B-C order. 纳米技术及其诱人前景 纳米技术及其诱人前景 C2H2是什么物质 饲养场去年养鸭300只,今年养鸭只数增加到去年的2.5倍,饲养场今年养 鸭比去年多几只?三1班有男生16人,平均体重是 30千克.有女生20人,平均体重是28千克.三1班同学的平均体重是多少千克? 饲养场养鸭300只,养的鸡比鸭的1.5倍还多200只,这个饲养场有鸡多少只?鸭的只数比鸡少( )%. 儿童诗朗诵《手拉手,心连心》 comb your hair.与brush your hair.的区别 一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体等底等高,他们的体积相差50.24cm的立方.如果圆锥体的底面积是12.56cm的平方,这个圆锥体的高是多少厘米? 1.一个圆柱体的底面积是6.28平方分米,和这个圆柱体等底等高的圆锥体的体积是 ( ) 英语翻译选自曹丕〈典论 论文〉 文以气节为主,气之清浊有体,…………要翻译,不要评点