
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:05:58
冠词的几道题知识点写下来.1.--Do you likea biue bike for your birthday?---But I prefer ____green one.A.the B./ C.a 3.Thanksgiving Day is____special day when people give thanks for all__good things in their lives A./ ,the B.the ,the C.the , 关于冠词的几道题1 Of the two sisters,Betty is _____one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.A a younger B a youngest C the younger D the youngest为什么不用 A2 For him ____stage is just_____means of making a living.A a;a B the;a 几道关于冠词的题目It is still believed that _graduate from _ well-konwn unversity is more likely to find a job.A a a B a the C the a D the theThe price of _ petrol is going up againA a B the C不填I do not kown who invented _telephone ,but 有关冠词的几道英语题!1.one way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _____ good knowledge of basic word formationA./ B.a C.the选哪个,为什么?2.A bullet hit the soldier and he was woungded in ____ legA.HIS B.THE 选哪个?为 在飞机上测飞机高度,有什么好方法?飞机上是有高度表,但高度表只能测海拔而且精度不高,有什么可以测飞机的相对地面高度的方法吗? 谁有与曾侯乙编钟有关的作文?如题 为什么这里每有冠词a?For a few hours,you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight.settle 与 back 之间,为什么不用冠词?出自新概念44课 为什么I go to school.不是说动词后面有名词,不能用to?如,I want money. 关于我国的航天资料 you come to my head求中文歌词 不要直译 You come to my headWhen it seems that everyone's saying goodbyeYou come to my headWhen the morning sun arise…ariseYou come to my headWhen a newborn baby criesYou come to my headWhen I need you in my l 求you come to my head 蔡健雅 URL 汶川地震伤了多少人的心繁荣 伤了别人的心, 怎样写应用文? DER RABE怎么样 杭州三潭映月的英文简介 1.诗三百2.赋比兴3.乐府诗4.建安风骨 5.初唐四杰6.新乐府运动 三潭映月是什么因此得名的原因 描绘三潭映月的风景 求大学语文名词解释:乎黄鹤其小则也求大学语文名词解释:乎黄鹤其小则也求大学语文名词解释:乎黄鹤其小则也求大学语文名词解释:乎黄鹤其小则也求大学语文名词解释:乎黄鹤其小 三潭映月的英语介绍请附加中文 请问有谁知道,名词解释“公安派”怎么写 Did you go to the Bund last weekend?什么A.Yes,I was B.No,I didn't C.yes,I didn't 选什么 单个字解 我想问一下,建筑设计防火规范表5.3.13里面关于四级建筑的疏散距离为什么是短横线表示? 静止在光滑水平面上的物体,在开始受到水平拉力的瞬间,请问加速度和速度是什么答案是会有加速度,但此时速度为0我觉得速度不为0,因为根本没有摩擦力 英语翻译痛快自在 热血澎湃开头的 三潭印月为什么在湖的中心 时间已停止这歌的歌词的中文翻译有没? 什么单词跟 A marry B=A be married to B 用法一样 南辕北辙文言文 吾御者善的善是什么意思 德语的语调...1.德语的语调好听还是英语的语调好听?2.德语的名词有阴性,阳性,中性,这些都是干什么用的?谢谢.