
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 07:07:05
Mr.Lee,who ___ as a carpenter for over 10 years,is now a very famous statesman in this country.A.has worked B.had worked C.worked D.works 为什么选C不选A? My cousin often_____me to the park last year A:takes b:is taking c:took d:will take 考研阅读理解长难句解析本人英语语法知识真心薄弱,请大家不要吐槽,感谢帮忙分析下以下句子中的问题.1.Societal failures,however,often are:the cost of keeping 2 million people in prison boasts the U.S.‘s GDP,a 利用无限构造函数第一题 怎么想老师说 可以借鉴 希伯来特的旅馆 He has done _________ he can to help me.是填what还是whatever?或者说两者都可以?请分析一下原因.谢可是为何我老师说只能填what...sorry,上次打错了。 he trys to find out for what the old man has done.这句话中what the old man has done是什么从句? 英语改写句子和完成句子怎么学 英语改写句子,完成句子!My favourite room is the house isthe kitchen.(同义句)I______ the kitchen______in the house.我经常和我的朋友在阳台上聊天.I often______ ______my friends on the______ ______. 英语翻译About half of the states now have reduced teenage driver crashes,according to recent studies,about half of the states now have some sort of graduated licensing system in place.选项:The present situation in about half of the states is th 大家帮我看看一个阅读理解和翻译的句子. 人什么时候会死 英语翻译(The two famous starts are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslette.)Leonardo is excellent as the poor,handsome Jack and Kate Winslette is perfect as the rich and beauful Rose.----------------------------------------------额,要翻译的是 人在什么时候会死 英语翻译1.······a person who could be looked up to for the right reasons 问定语从句的意思2.since the information is so new, 为什么人只要到73或是84岁的时候好多人都会去世啊?他们说那是一个坎、、、我没懂 人什么时候死? 长方形中有个梯形,求梯形外的阴影部分面积, In what country is this monument located? 如图所示,梯形中的两个阴影部分的面积相比较( ) A.甲大于乙 B.乙大于甲 C.甲等于乙 D.无法比较 请教what must they dowhat must they do?they must have tea这句翻译中文怎么说?难道是“他们必须做什么 他们必须喝茶” What must they do?They must have a hoilday.标What must they do?They must have a hoilday.标准译文是: 急 急 急媒体上的广告可不可信?我是反方,快 what"ll happen 和what"ll they do分别是什么式,是过去式还是将来式? 谁可以告诉我关于媒体上的广告可不可信的反方辩词,一、二、三、四辩的都要啊!明天就要开始了,快 竞选团委副书记演讲稿(急!)急需一篇公务员单位团委副书记的竞聘演讲稿. 竞选团委候选人演讲稿希望不要是大众化的文章,最好独特一点的,简简单单的最好.当然不希望内容太经典 3至5分钟的演讲稿.现在 还只是个 高中生.希望不要是大众化的文章,最好 大学竞选团委组织部干事演讲稿我要进团委可没有演讲稿兄弟姐妹们帮个忙给我掏一篇来一二分中就行 虽其子孙他人学者,莫能及广.的翻译 从“后二岁…………广军功自如”怎么翻译 英语翻译李将军广者,陇西成纪人,家世世受射.从军击胡,用善骑射,杀首虏多;从太尉亚夫去吴楚军,取旗,显功名昌邑下,以力战为名.匈奴大入上郡,有数千骑.广之百骑皆大恐,欲驰还走.广曰:“ Third,do your homework by yourself.If you can't work out a problem s_,you can ask for help.You can't just copy the answer.Make sure that you really u_ it.两个首字母开头的填一下就好 不难①有一句:"Write a composition in over 120 words",这个“in over 120 words”是什么意思.②有一句:"He will do his best and not let his father down"是什么意思.③“as directed”是个短语吧,④有一句:"The saleswom