
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 08:51:17
上面的计算不用做了,只做下面的那道应用题就可以了 急求一篇英语作文,内容详见补充内容:署假中的一天,我约几个朋友去海边.这天天气晴朗,海水蔚蓝,海鸥飞翔.有些船停在平静的海面上,有些船疾驶而过.我们奔向海岸,尽情游玩,在海里游了好 内蒙话 要比兜呀不 是什么意思 明末农民军三大首领(李自成 高迎祥 张献忠)与 明末四大猛人(曹文诏 左良玉 洪承畴 卢象升)实力对比例如 左良玉VS张献忠李自成VS洪承畴卢象升VS高迎祥曹文诏不小心阵亡~(注:我本 信宜话里, 人们常说的“你好菜”是什么意思?老说我菜~!我纳闷啊~ some things are not do not care but there is no need to finght for 是什么意 花心英文怎么写 什么软件能把耳机里听到的写下来 例如听相声 把相声的词以文字方式记下来有道理… For a few hours you ______a deep armchair to enjoy the flight.A relax in B sit up in C sit on D install20 Hundreds of them _________ the back of the vehicle. A slipped off B slid down C slid over D slipped under 21. The thief took away th 花心的英文单词是什么? 期末考后的反思,期末考后的反思我语文83分,要写的自责一点,该怎么写 求《反思》一篇,反思期末考. 英文、意大利文、荷兰文的“花心”怎么说? 1.以知F(X+2)=F(X) (X属于R)且当X属于闭区间-1,1时,F(X)=-X^2+1,求当X属于闭区间2K-1,2K+1时F(X)的表达式,(K属于Z)2.已知F(X)是R上的奇函数,对任意X,总有F(x)=-F(X+2),当2小于等于X小于等于时F(X)=X^2-6X+8,求5小 紧急勒,1.已知a是√7的整数部分,b是√7的小数部分,则(b-√7)^a的值为_______.2.化简:√145²-24²(√28-2√3+√7)×√7+√84(√2+3√3)(2√2-√3) 英语翻译Negotiating Bank in India should be authorized to claim reimbursement for the 100% of L/C amount upon presentation of shipping documents either from theThe L/C issuing Bank or from their designated Bank.Reimbursement claim should be honou 英语翻译4.2.Upon the present statement is signed within 3 (three) international banking days Party 1 will issue in the favor of the Party 2 to the Bank Accepting Payment of the Party 2 by SWIFT MT700 LETTER OF CREDIT (Appendix 1) for the amount o 英语翻译信用证中有段话理解的不是很清楚,IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANT DOCUMENTS BEING PRESENTED TO US,WE SHALL ADVISE THE NOMINATED BANK,OF THE DISCREPANCIES OBSERVED IN THE DOCUMENTS AND SUCH DOCUMENTS WILL BE HELD AT THE RISK AND DIS 初一的一篇文言文 英语翻译翻译下文:登州海中,时有云气如宫室、台观、城堞、人物、车马、冠盖,历历可见,谓之“海市”.或曰“蛟蜃之气所为.”疑不然也.欧阳文忠曾出使河朔,过高唐县驿舍,中夜有鬼神自空 英语翻译齐国好厚葬,布帛尽于衣衾,材木尽于棺椁.桓公患之,以告管仲曰:“布帛尽则无以为蔽,材木尽则无以为守备,而人厚葬之不休,禁之奈何?“管仲对曰:“凡人之有为也,非名之则利之也. 判断命题 如果|x+y|=|x|+|y|那么x与y同号或两者中至少有一个为0的 真假,并证明 简算!help me1/20(二十分之一)+1/30+1/42+1/56+…………+1/132 如何各用一句英语描述十二个月份的景色 表达十二个月的英语句子像the first month of year is january 关于lack的一道英语题___ money,his parents couldn't let him go on stady.A.lacking in B.lacking of C.lack D.lack of E.lacked of F.lacked好像这个是一个省略句,省略了什么?选哪个?如果是:Because of___ money,his parents couldn' 英语 lackThey cannot complete the work on time because they ________ hands.A.lack B.are lack ofC.short ofD.lack of我选了B 请大人分析此题 就这段:规依众 梵行四威仪 愿我遍游诸佛土 十方圣贤不相离 永灭世间痴规依法 法法不思议 愿我六根常寂静 心如宝月映琉璃 了法更无疑 规依佛 弹指越三只 愿我速登无上觉 还如佛坐道场 英语翻译Arnold felt his brother twist away and saw the blankets lifted in a great wing,and,all in an instant,he was lying on his back under the covers with only his face showing,like a baby,and Eugie was sprawled on top of him. 求高人帮忙翻译一段话!Arnold lifted his .22-caliber rifle from the rack on the kitchen wall. It was an old lever-action Winchester that his father had given him because nobody else used it anymore. On their way down to the garden he and Eu 英语翻译这主要是由于通过抽真空可以有效去除(HFPR)内残留的不凝性气体(non condensable gas(NCG)),降低液体工质的沸点,减小热阻(heat resistance),从而使换热效果(cooling capacity)得到大幅度地提高