
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 09:11:00
英语完形填空, 完形填空In late April 2009,H1N1 suddenly came to us.The (41) ______ was from Mexico at first.Some people died of this kind of illness.But outsite Mexico,people who got the illness didn’t get very sick.Most of them just _42_ a fever,sore throat 在救护、资助黄包车夫以后,伯父的脸上为什么变得那么严肃? 急需一篇3分钟左右的英文自我介绍.哪个好心人帮帮忙啊= =、 完形填空,What weather do you like?Some people like□days,because theycan go to do that they like.And on vacation or at weekends,they like going to the beach□ sunshine .It makes them □ But they do not like rain .They always□ sad when it rai 完形填空,An old woman _____(1) into a shop and asked a salesgirl to let her have a ____(2) her new dress.But the girl stood the counter (柜台),taking _____(3) notice of the request(请求).The old woman _____(4) the girl again,raising her 完型填空:Many students talked about the rules that they have in school.At their school,they have to wear uniforms every day.The problem is that all the students think the uniforms are 31 .They think young people should look smart and so they wo A frog is b___1___ in a small river.When he is y___2___,the river is his home.He doesn’t know his p___3___,but he has hundreds of brothers and s___4___.He swims about and plays all day with them.At that t___5___,he doesn’t look like his parents.H 伯利克里改革的特点 怎么写“难忘的同桌”的作文? 天津英语角去哪儿找?有学过英语的朋友们过来提点意见吧, 笑傲江湖ol到底什么时候出啊..等了那么久了! 梭伦改革、克里斯提尼改革、伯利克里改革分别在什么时候?其意义分别是什么? N’a pas été mis fin à la 什么意思? sure怎么读 什么叫fin actuator 此岸花谢,彼岸花开 具体表达的是什么呢? “彼岸花开,花开彼岸,花开无叶,叶生无花,花叶生生相惜, 找一下和‘彼岸花开,花开彼岸,花开无叶,叶生无花,花叶生生相惜,永世不见’差不多的句子彼岸花开,花开彼岸,花开无叶,叶生无花,花叶生生相惜,永世不见 彼岸花开彼岸只见花不见叶什么意思 孔子为什么用仁不用圣来要求人 如何看待孔子“仁”的矛盾性及其对中国社会的影响? 孔子体现仁的思想的事情 比较孔子的“仁"、墨子的"兼爱”、西方的”博爱”,讨论其异同及其对社会的影响. 判 断』(1分) 定义输入文件流对象fin方法是:ofstream fin; N正确方法怎么定义,这样定义错在哪里 c语音#fin 天津有还不错的英语角吗?请问有没有人知道天津哪里有不错的英语角可供大家交流练习,我已经工作了,有没有适合这样人群的地方呢? 什么是诚信?那善意的谎言又是甚么? 大道之行也可分为几层 每一层的大意? 笑傲江湖OL什么时候能玩啊 thing怎么读20财富悬赏 sure thing