
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 14:53:38
三角函数定义里怎么通过两个三角形相似给出任意角的三角函数谁知道人教版B版高中数学必修四,三角函数定义里怎样通过两个三角形相似给出来任意角的三角函数啊? 英语翻译名字是:that's not my name我Q937378622 horse的复数 英语翻译AAlmost everyone in the world uses oil in some way.Without oil,the world will stop,so men look for it everywhere.Oilmen drill for oil in deserts,in mountanins and under the sea.Quite often they find nothing,but search for oil always goes 英语段文.带翻译! 英语翻译General Cone SAID that terrorism was not being ruled out,but that preliminary evidence did not suggest that the rampage had been an act of terrorism.Fox News quoted a retired Army colonel,Terry Lee,as saying that Major Hasan,with whom he 英语翻译Put simply,it is the “marrying-up” of products from several key industries:computers,telephones,television,satellites.It means using micro-electronics,telecommunication networks,and fibre optics to help produce,store,obtain and inform 槽饼翻译?整段文 对...残忍,用英语怎么说 残酷的暑假用英语怎么说用英语怎么说, 冬至日那天伦敦几点日落 咋样快速提升英语了 怎么样才能快速的提升英语呢? 如何快速提升英语成绩 怎样才能快速提升英语成绩?我是一个初二的女生,英语成绩都拿不出手,别的科都还凑合.有经验的给指条明路呗! sina+cosa和sina*cosa的关系比如说sina+cosa=13/7如何知道sina*cosa? 怎样快速提升英语成绩 sinA,cosA,tanA之间存在的一般关系有哪些? 用英语描写我的假期,五句话 house和horse怎么区分读 “house 、how、horse 的ou、ow、or那个读音不同 残酷的天使用英语怎么说? 几个填空题.1.16个12分之7的和是( ) 4分之15的5分之12是( ) ,3个2分之1的积是( ) ,( )分钟是2小时的4分之1.2.一个正方体的棱长是5分之3分米,它的棱长总和是( )分米,表面积是( )平 1.在一道减法算式里,被减数比减数多25,差比减数少15,被减数是( ).2.甲乙两个多边形,甲的边数比乙多4,已知的内角和是360°,甲的内角和是( )度.3.一双皮鞋定价75元,售货员只收了小红60元, 求几个填空题 几个填空题, what does this sign mean? it tell us ____ herea.to not eat or drink b.not to eat or drinkc.not eat or drink d.mustn't eat or drink sina/2=根5/3,则cosa的值是 What does this sign mean?要以Keep off the grass 写三个答句我写了两个答句,一个是It means keep off the grass。一个是It means you shouldn't walk on the grass。仿照这两个答句答 Could someone tell me what does this sign mean in mathematics?The sign "^". 求一首女生唱的英文歌,只记得i believe i will remember you say sometime...这些歌词. 有一首英文歌,女的唱的,里面的歌词是什么I believe time will find you······i love you具体不太清楚