
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:20:39
象征黑暗的花有哪些?(不限) 把and come a mango have连词成句 and come a mango have组成一句话,怎么组? 关于环境保护的表扬信、建议书、调查报告! 1.书信:求职(自荐)信、感谢信、倡议书、聘书、证明信 2.条据:请假条、留言正确的详细的格式.是参加比赛用的.事关重大.最好再配上例文.万分感谢 There are some flowers () you ()Mr Zhang 11到18都要,要对的啊 缩写句子. cut He is going to be a doctor改间接宾语英语好的记得加我扣扣.咱经常会有问题问 If he is laxzy,he'll never -------- his ambition to be a doctor怎么做这题怎么填空 请假条怎么模仿老师的笔记呀 “盲人摸象”什么意思? let me look ( ) the phone number in the Yellow Page A up B for选择填空 九年级数学第二题求解,在线给分 九年级数学.第二题…麻烦解答下 She wraps her arms around her son,giving him a ___ embrace.(5 分)A.powerB.powerfulC.forcefulD.strenghtened she had no arms and legs还是she had no arms or legs 这种植物叫什么名字,他无根,无叶,寄生在其他植物上 My sister has always regretted________ the opportunity to go to college.A.not to take B.not take C.having not taken D.not having taken 把植物的叶子撕坏但不撕掉,它能自我修复吗?还是那片叶子会枯萎脱落?求 ∩_∩Y谢谢 汉景帝时代的名人有...主要要一些文人.有著名的诗词歌赋流传于世的..要加简单的介绍..好的追加.. 戴名世《乙亥北行日记》中,其丈夫方担粪灌园中“方”是什么意思 英语怎么说成句的语言 不用语法可以吗 写人物或植物的句子 急用 自恨不如远甚也 恨什么意思~~~~~ 浪淘沙(李煜)(往事只堪哀)翻译 缩写是'll 的单词是哪个?还有 我给你 用英语怎么说 CS开局时的英语“ALL RIGHT.LET'S…”什么?还有“ROUND …”换队时说的什么 sandy's father can _____(speak) english and japanese. life is 'nt always beautiful ,but the struggle make you stronger ,the changes make you wisdom 的意这是什么意思啊 请翻译:Guo took off on an adventure many dream about, but few go through with it.many 为何在中间 about 是副词?