
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 20:46:14
记忆的规律周期是什么? 已知数列an的各项都是正数,且对任意n∈N都有a1的3次方+a2的3次方+a3的3次方+an的3次方=sn平方+2sn1 求a1,a2 2求数列an的通项公式 人的记忆和遗忘规律是怎样的?怎么提高人的记忆力? 艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘规律 如何根据记忆和遗忘规律来改进自己~ The ambassador’s wife went on asking questions,when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband’s hat.‘And how can you explain that?’ she asked.这句话中,can怎么解释? 论述题根据遗忘规律,联系自己的实际谈谈如何增强记忆以提高记忆效率 如何利用遗忘规律来提高记忆效果 He _____in Xinxiang for five years when I heard his news.A.has lived B.had lived C.is living D. 亚非古代四大文明的名称是什么 He ( ) in Xinxiang for five years when I heard his news.A has lived B had lived C is lived那个D打不起了 D是 has been lived 1i have had a tremperature[ ]i had a headache.2mr.black has lived in china[ ]five years ago.为什么1.a.since b.for c.before d.after2.a,before b.for c./ d.since 朋友们这款誉品小刚手机x800好用吗,质量和性能如何 誉品x800小刚怎样朋友们这款誉品 x800小刚怎样啊,好不好用,值得入手吗 誉品x800小刚四核好用吗这款誉品 x800小刚四核手机怎么样,好不好用呀 誉品x800小刚四核好不好用朋友们这款誉品 x800小刚四核手机怎么样啊,好不好用 钢筋图中柱子的纵筋12Φ22(四角)+4Φ20改怎么排列呀 伦敦有哪些河流以及伦敦主要地形伦敦域内主要地形和伦敦域内有哪些河流? 关于中国人我为你骄傲的作文 怎样把以下词语翻译成英文?16.石英发热管_______________________17.铁氟龙__________________________18.抽屑盘拉把烤漆_____________________19.门手把__________________________20.门拉簧____________________________21.镀膜 流经伦敦市内是什么河流? 中国人,我为你骄傲作文 不要写成《中国,我为你骄傲了》thank you~急, 誉品要出新手机了,等了这么久终于等到要出小刚手机了,大家觉得誉品手机怎么样? 怎么写呢.She______(not leave) home until you____(call) her tomorrow 《中国人,我为你骄傲》怎没写,急!这次老师让我们写一篇抒情散文,名叫《中国人,我为你骄傲》 When she got home,her children had slept.哪个是主句哪个是从句?为什么? I got up at seven this morning .at seven同上 There ____________ an interesting cartoon on CCTV- 6 at seven thirty this eveningA.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.will to be what ____________at seven this morning?A.is she doing B.does she do C.did she D.was she doing 人死后,再转胎会有记忆吗 有科学家说过能量是不会消失的,只会转换成别的能量?那么在太空中,一个匀速直线运动的小球,在不受力的情况下(只有惯性),速度约每秒2cm,如果它在运行中宇航员用手抓住它,那么球的动能 He usually shaves in the morning.划线部分为:shaves 对划线部分提问