
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 03:57:48
My father can fly a kite改为否定句 你怎么理解代沟? 代沟,理解词汇,什么意思 都说子女与父母之间有代沟,怎么理解代沟? They took the vacation in a small town. 为什么用took谢谢 为什么大气层的构造变化了有什么理论吗?从氢气,氨气,甲烷到氮气和氧气 用适当的词填空:Her friends_______(arrive)at that town,didn't they? This is my mother 变为否定句 字母f,s,r,a,c能组成哪个单词? These books cost one dollar each.请问each在本句中是做同位语还是宾语补足语?请详细说明,最好有例句. n a c f e r 可以组成什么单词 Are we going by coach?no,we aren't=I_____ ______so It costs each student 1 dollar to buy a ticket. 中的cost能不能用take替换?另外 It + take +sb.+( )+V-不定式 It +cost +sb +( )+V-不定式. 要填什么,这两者都有什么区别,又有什么相同点,怎么区分? we are going cost 的疑问句怎么组成 the shops in england _______ at 9:00in the morning为什么要填open 而不是opens How much do you pay for the utilities every month? Do you ____ your father every month?A.hear ofB.hearC.hear fromD.get from The trash is always in it 牛郎织女河叫什么河 在奇幻的神话世界里,有隔河相望的牛郎织女,有对月流珠的在岸鲛人……那么,人,是从哪里来的?对这个有趣 I ____ already ____ (plan) to visit you sometime next month 英语翻译将要做ENGLISH CLASS REPORT,选择了刘能语录作为材料.百度搜了一下,然后自己翻译了一下.或者提示一下不合适的地方.1.要不是老师说不能乱扔垃圾,不然我早把你扔出去.The teacher said we sho How much do you spend on your school uniform? 你们学校的教学楼有几层?英语翻译How many floors are there on your school buiding?错了的话是什么? 四岁的孩子在国外幼儿园读一年,对她学英语好处能有多大?她爸爸正好要出国呆一年,所以想同时把她送出去。 “初中后想做些什么” 日记 字数不限 He hopes that ha can visit America next spring 句型转换He hopes that ha can visit America next spring.转换成He hopes _____ _____ America next spring.You needn't come if you are busy tomorrow.转换成You _____ _____ _____ come if you are busy The cousin_____paris next spring festival A.visit B.visits C.will visit He is to visit Japan next year 可以用现在时吗 表示【根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作】 英语 三单独一无二的事物就没有三单形式么?那“太阳是一个发光的星体”用英语怎么说? What is the “Coach Tour”?求翻译,并回答!