
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:06:34
有插入语的特殊疑问句怎么写 请翻译Riverine life on island by lakes 急需英语作文!My ideal university 英语口语语法有哪些啊? 请帮忙看一下这句话用英文怎么说?我的邮箱最近总是无法正常收发邮件,有时可以接收,却无法发送,有时收发都不行,提示服务器错误, 请帮忙看一下这句话英文怎么说?谢谢~王先生想确认一下你是否能参加9月8日的会议,谢谢 这个英文句子我写的对吗?中文意思:我已经把旅游签证的护照给了他的父亲英文我写的是:I already put the a tourism - Visa to the passport give to his father请问我写的对吗? It sounds interesting 改为一般疑问句 It sounds very interesting.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) It sounds interesting.(否定) 英语翻译歌词 we are all ultimately we are all ultimately alone alone we are delicious,together we are yum! 什么情况下How long 不用for回答?什么时候用for回答?比如How long have you been in China?就要For a tear.How long does it take you to go to school every day?就是An hour而不是For an hour.写错了第一个问提的回答最后一 为什么how long提问,答语前面要加for—How long have you lived in China?—For about three years.为什么答语前面用for啊? How long提问时,什么时候回答前面要加for好像有的时候要用for+时间.有的时候不用.那是什么时候呢?好像分不清楚了. there will be robots in our home? polyamide中文什么意思拜托了各位 谢谢 can you believe there will be robots in peoples home把home改成families哪里错了 按要求改写句子 1.There will be some robots in our homes.(改为否定句)there三个空robots in our homes2.we will go to work three days a week(对划线部分提问)three days a week划线两个空 will we go to work?3.they woll go to be 太阳从东方升起西方落下,参考系为? hello sub my friend 我不确定sub拼得对不对,但是发音很像.美国人有时候打招呼就说一声sub到底是哪个单词? hello,darkness.my old friend. All the chinese people should feel proud of the ______(develop)of our country.development 可数吗 帮忙看一下这句英文句子.He is not only handsome but also clever.这句中的he 后面还加is吗、我怎么看到有的句子加了呢、是不是加不加都一样啊?thanks A lot 这句英文的写法对吗 Some people cannot help questioning that what art could bring with us while science can not.标点最后是不是应该是句号 陈述句 There are many reasons which could lead to the increasing water consumption in China.帮改一改?不要翻译,要改好一点 1.I lost my keys.I went to ___(看) in the park .2.I can help you___(拿) the glass.3.Don’____(站)behind the door ,Jim.4.Tony joined a ____(乐队)last year. the lost room 第二季会不会有?RT,前三集好多没交代就完了,例如Ruber说是一切物件的先知,后来怎么样了.还有最先被吸进房子里的女人又怎么样了..而且joe没有付出任何代价就把女儿给带出来了.. I lost a s_______of keys. 我们一共5个人,我们是好姐妹.我们想帮自己的姐妹团取的英文名,但是不知道什么好.求各位大哥哥大姐姐想象力丰富的人们帮忙想几个.至少10个以上.3Q啦、希望简洁一点.单词.单词.我要单词. I lost two ____(set)of keys