
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 03:05:11
等腰三角形的顶角为120°,底边上的高为3,则它的周长为 为了美化校园 ,学校在教学楼前摆上花盆方阵,最外层每边放了18盆花,一共摆了多少盆花? 初二数学题:等腰三角形的顶角为120°,底边上的高为3,则他的周长为? 设椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的上顶点为A,椭圆C上两点P,Q在在x轴上的射影分别为左焦点F1和右焦点直线PQ的斜率为3/2过点A且与AF1垂直的直线与x轴交于点B,△AF1B的外接圆为M.(1)求椭圆的离 等腰三角形的顶角为120°,地边上的高为3,则它的周长为多少 已知点A(2,-2),如果点A关于x轴的对称点是B,点B关于原点的对称点是C,那么C点的坐标是请知道的人回答一下 点A(2,4)关于x轴的对称点的坐标是什么,关于y轴的对称点的坐标是,关于原点的对称点的坐标是? GMAT数学计算On July 1,1982,Ms Fox deposited $10000 in a new account at the annual interest rate of 12 percent compounded monthly.If no additional deposits or withdrawals were made and if interest was credited on the last day of each month,what wa 8份之3乘以50怎么做 已知A(-3,x),B(y,-5)是关于原点O的对称点,则x+y的值……已知A(-3,x),B(y,-5)是关于原点O的对称点,则x+y的值是___. 已知点A(a-1,5)和点B(2,b-1)关于原点对称,求(a+b)^2003的值为? 6x^4y^3+12x^3y^4-24x^2y^5因式分解 已知点A(a,1)与A'(5,6)是关于原点为0的对称点,求a ,b 的值 初二化学的方程式 GMAT数学一道Q10:A set of numbers has the property that for any number t in the set,t + 2 is in the set.If –1 is in the set,which of the following must also be in the set?I-3II1III5A.I onlyB.II onlyC.I and II onlyD.II and III onlyE.I,II,and III 问一道GMAT数学?If 500 is the multiple of 100 that is closest to x and 400 is the multiple of 100 that is closest to y,which multiple of 100 is closet to x+y?(1) x+y(2) y A发生的概率是0.6,B发生的概率是0.45,问neither A nor B的概率是多少?(1) ab是独立事件(2)ab同时发生的概率是0.3(1)肯定是S了,但是(2)中P(AB)=0.3不等于0.6x0.45说明非独立.(2)是否可以算出n 求一道简单的gmat数学.一对夫妇生四个孩子,两男两女的概率? 已知圆的方程为(x+1)²+(y-4)²=20,三个点的坐标分别是(0,0)、(1,-1)、(-3,2),其中在圆内的点的个数是多少? 英语翻译A rainstorm increased the amount of water stored in State J reservoirs from 124 billion gallons to 138 billio gallons.If the storm increased the amount of water in the reservoirs to 82 percent of total capacity,approximately how many bill (1)x分之根号x+5(2)x-1分之根号x-3,(3)x-1分之根号x的平方+1让他们有意义 相邻三个整数之和为27,求这三个数? 哪个层次的水平? 求式子x+2/x-3乘x2-6x+9/x2-4 GMAT数学Joshua and Jose work at an auto repair center with four other workers.For a survey on a healthcare insurance,2 of the 6 workers will be randomly chosen to be interviewed.What is the probability that Joshua and Jose will be both chosen?A和B 等腰三角形的两条边的长分别是4和7,求等腰三角形的周长. 等腰三角形的两条中位线分别为4和9则它的周长为 请问,gmat数学是不是难度越来越大了啊? 真的是高中水平的难度么?有没有考过的说说. 计算|x2-9|≤x+3 1+x2+x2+x2+1+x2+4+x2+9=﹙x+1+1+x+1+1+1﹚﹙x+1+1+x+1﹚怎么算x啊方程1+x2+x2+x2+1+x2+4+x2+9=﹙x+1+1+x+1+1+1﹚﹙x+1+1+x+1﹚怎么求解啊 Does the integer k have at least three different positive prime factors?(1)k/15 is an integer(2)k/10 is an integer答案写(1)中15的positive prime factors 是3 跟5 我想问下为什么没有1呢?1不属于prime factor吗?