
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 01:17:15
梦见大黄狗 我做了个梦,大黄狗吃了我, very few people understood his words.改为同义句very few people understood---he---. 求英语改错“time files as an arrow.” Grandma was a wonderful story-teller,and she had a set of priceless,individually (独特地) tailored stories with which American grandparents of her day brought up children.There was the story of the little boys who had been taught complete,quick ob 英语翻译thank you eat healthy还是eat healthily为什么? Because it was moving,..Because it was moving,astronomers ruled it was a moon and not a background star,which is not moving. 一鼓作气的下一句和意思 Do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad? 为什么此处instead of 后没有有making 呢? 一鼓作气意思 1 Will you help me to turn off the radio?(保持原句意思)1 Will you______ me_______ _________ to turn off the radio? I must forget eariy是什么意思 you ___(not pass)the exam if you don't work hard enough.1.这个背包一定是迈克的.The backpack____ ____ ___Mike.2.他们两都踢足球,They___play soccer,___ __? 一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭.出自那篇文言文? 电影小时代2 求电影小时代2里顾里和宫洺对话时候讲的英文,就是顾里被宫洺茬的那两句. tabhost和fragment有什么区别 fragment中的onCreateView和onViewCreated的区别和联系 He knows the girl inthe blue trousers?改为疑问句 Fragment的onCreate和onCreateView的区别 scrap,chip,fraction,shatter,fragment都有"碎片"的意思,有何区别? fraction和marks区别 fraction和segment的区别 要可以帮忙写作文的语文学霸吗 数学高手来下椭圆形的对称轴在坐标轴上,短轴的一个端点于两个焦点构成一个正三角形,焦点到椭圆上的最短距离是√3,则这个椭圆方程为() 在纸上任意画两条直线会出线那几种情况 数学高手来下,急!要有过程http://hiphotos.baidu.com/dihgsfh/pic/item/4a2d70f81f6eadba58ee9021.jpg 胜利1507 输997 现在的胜率是59%请问我还要赢多少次才能到60%要精确的答案撒!最好能算出61 62 63````后面的谢谢拉 小时代2中顾里和宫洺说的那两句英文是什么意思 英语达人进!关于of和about的英语语法用法!我想说“病人的信息”,比如病人的家庭住址以及病理状况.请问是“information about the patient”还是“information of the patient”? 1.(1/4四分之一)-(-2/3)除以(+3/4)+(-1)除以(+2/3)2.(2右1/2)除以(-10)乘(3右1/3)除以(-5)