
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:21:10
Rare animals are good friend of ____ (we) We live near the Waikato的一般疑问句是什么 Jack live ()cnear our school) 改疑问句 否定句肯定回答 否定回答 括号提问 i'd go on a diet= i __ go on a diet go on a diet 中的 go on 和 go on doing sth 继续做某事 中 go on 有什么区别? He wanted to see one of his friends there. ( )1.Do this___.A.ten time B.with ten C.ten times D.at ten times请给我答案和理由, The supermarket was ten times the size of Tom's shop翻译 小说:理智与情感Sense and Sensibility谁能帮我写一篇英文的读后文章?就是在理智与情感Sense and Sensibility 选择一Elinor 或Marianne 其中的一个人,说你为什么喜欢这个人,优点是什么,这个人怎样?文章 理智与情感 SENSE AND SENSIBILITY怎么样 理智与情感这个标题有什么深刻含义?为什么要用这个名字,而不是先前的elior and maianne?作者用它有什么隐含的所想表达的思想么? 《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility )中文的读后感 大约在1500字左右 电影《Sense and Sensibility》即《理智与情感》的影评?最好是英文 “热爱生活”的格言[较短} 关于body language我做一张卷子,作文题目是根据材料:”body language is one of the most powerful means of communication,we should properly use it.".我想举一个事例但是好像没什么素材,有没有什么我们中国人容易 DO you want to know how many d___ are there in the novel Great!You can go to 新东方托福高分奖学金我是四月份出的成绩,现在还能去领奖学金吗?是不是已经晚了? 新东方雅思奖学金雅思单项8分可以拿300块,那两项8分呢?必须自己去北京吗?谁有经验谈谈吧.他们的客复电话打不通的. 他正坐在椅子边上看书.用(on the edge of)词翻译呀、 A little cold ________,I can finish my work by myself.(选项在下面)谢谢回答 A.wasn't matter much B.isn't matter much C.will be not matter much D.won't matter much 求关于body language 的情景对话.大概安排六七个角色来。是用英语来对话练习,主题就是关于body language的知识。 求“body language”的对话求一段有关"body language"的对话,20句左右!挺伤脑筋的咯! 求给位大虾帮我找个英语口语四人对话!题目是body language 时间大概是5分钟左右.尽快啊, I have to go on a Navy blue drip在什么句型中能用 形容颜色的短语如olive green.navy blue比如什么baby blue啊.navy blue啊.olive green.啊这些不是叫你翻译...= =现在不用了.2楼把分给你把. Lilly’s friend is reading ______ magazine.It is ______interesting one.A.a…a B.a…an C.the…the D./…an have children sit on their knees on the chair怎么翻译? navy blue初音未来有没有哪位大神有这首的mp3啊!是miku的哦 Words I Never Said 歌词 we must stay here and [ ][look]after basketour lunch .