
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:04:36
请英语神人忙在下做下下面的英语习题,第1题 单选题 On weekends when I'm going out,I use the bike if I can _________ the car.1.would rather 2.rather than not 3.instead 4.rather than 第2题 单选题 Anger,uncertainty,and loss of in 为什么n(AB)/n(A)=(2*1)/(2*3)?一只口袋内装有2个白为什么n(AB)/n(A)=(2*1)/(2*3)?一只口袋内装有2个白球和2个黑球,那么.(1)若先摸出一个白球后不放回,则再摸出1个白球的概率是多少? The teather told us to remain silent unless_____ .A.to be asked.B.being asked .C.asked.D,youThe teather told us to remain silent unless_____ .A.to be asked.B.being asked .C.asked.D,you asked.这句应该选哪个,请说明理由 设函数f(x)=2^x/(1+2^x)-1/2,[x]表示不超过x的最大整数,则函数y=[f(x)]的定义域为这个题好像比较简单,哈哈是值域 设【x】为表示不超过x的最大整数,则函数y=log【x】的定义域为 设函数y=㏒10(x^2-5x)的定义域为M,函数y=㏒10(x-5)+㏒10x的定义域为N,则M,N的关系是什么 the people i admire most 范文 已知n属于N+,则1/2!+2/3!+…+n/(n+1)!= 为阶乘) 这题答案是什么?(关于气候的) 种天气系统的题目“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”,此时的降水与哪种天气系统有关( )A.慢行冷锋 B.冷锋 C.暖锋 D.准静止锋 Stick to it and I think you can make it小妹感激不尽感激不尽. 高数正确答案为1求我咋算的0 用计算器算,精确到0.1 用计算器算最终结果为1.5972583,将这个结果精确到0.01, 尼布楚条约中方作出让步的真正原因是什么?虽胜犹败 用英语写出下列车牌或电话号码:5776188,6355179,0174299,5660938,9533764. 能麻烦您帮我翻译一篇外文文章吗? 急求~不要在线翻译软件翻译的!!!!!!!!!A new species of Discostroma and its anamorph Seimatosporium with two morphological types of conidia, isolated from the stems of Paeonia 用because或because of填空.Lily came late to school_it was raining heavily.Uncle Wang was unable to go t work_the heavy rain.Miss Li was argry_his rude words.I did it myself just_they asked me to do it.Why can't you do your homework? _I'm too busy 用because和because of填空Jim has to get up very early____his home is very far from schoolThe people were so sad_____they lost their farmsKitty practises running hard every day_____she wants to in the gameI was excited____Kitty's teacher invited m 求得28到31题用because或because of填空 用单词的适当形式填空,并解释原因because of my _____(careless)用单词的适当形式填空,because of my _____(careless) 曲经通幽处,禅房花木深.里头包含那个成语?帮个忙! 英语翻译貌似是法语Title:Mea CulpaKyrie eleisonChriste eleisonJe ne dors plus(The time has come)Je te desire(The time has come)Prends moiJe suis a toiMea culpaJe veux aller au bout de me fantasmesJe sais que c'est interditJe suis folle.Je m'a 享自然之福是什么意思,我看属龙的说8月出生享自然之福是什么意思! 求一神人指点英语英语四级马上又考了,我还木有准备,好想拿到四级证啊,求一大仙级人物指点, 乐享自然是什么? I'd like a bigger one,这里big为什么用比较级 高中物理;这题不用动量守恒怎么解!质量为M的木块放在水平台面上,台面不水平地面高出h=0.20m,木块离台的右端L=1.7m.质量为m=0.1M的子弹以V0=180m/s的速度水平射向木块,并以90m/s的速度水平射出, 自康熙尼布楚条约之后至今我国共丢失多少土地?包括尼布楚条约,沙俄(苏联)侵占土地,独立出去的蒙古,被吞并的唐努图瓦,至今为解决的南海岛屿及藏南等等(甚至那些历史书里没有写的 过故人庄原文 敏锐的锐字是什么意思 ‘锐减’中的意思是什么?根据这个意思,用‘锐’字再组一个词