
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 11:31:25
The final exam will make up of 55% of our final grade,the reach work 20% and the mid-term 25%.the reach work怎么理解》 在平行四边形ABCD中,AC为对角线,EF平行于AC,如果三角形AED的面积是10平方厘米,求三角形DCF的面积 海南岛简介(50字左右) 写关于介绍海南的英语作文50词左右要快 有一个两位数小数,四舍五入取近似值是5,这个数最小是()最大是() 求介绍一本好书,30-50字. 有一个两位小数,四舍五入取近似值为5,这个数最大是( ),最小是( ). I think they were about to fall, as if to find a solid and reliable shoulder and one can.是什么意思 f(x)=kx+k+1 (k属于R且k不等于0) 此函数恒过哪个点,为什么 5道应用题,必须写过程、否则、1.有大小两个圆,他们的面积之差是96平方厘米,小圆的周长是大圆周长的25%,这两个圆的面积之和是?2.甲、乙两人从相距120km的A.B两地相向而行,甲每分钟行3km,乙每 ash是什么意思 问应用题5道 尽快1.食堂有一批大米,吃了五分之二以后,又运来了200kg这是食堂的大米恰好是大米的百分之八十.食堂原有大米多少千克米?2.用一个杯子向另外一个空杯倒水.如果倒进3杯水,连瓶 1 一列火车通过一座长1260米的大桥(从车头上桥到车尾离桥)用了60秒,这列火车穿越2010米的隧道用了90米,这列火车的车速和车长各是多少?2.两列火车相向而行,甲车每小时行36千米,乙车每小时行 our fate to?可以这样搭配吗? it is our fate to know each “i'm the master of my fate” Depend on our 已知f(x)=xlnx,g(x)=-x^2+ax+x-3,若对一切x∈(0,+∞),2f(x)≥g(x)恒成立 函数y=log1/2(1+λcosx)的最小值是-2,则λ的值是? what were they的意思那句话是英文 in what order do you think they were invented?in 可以在该疑问句最后么?接上,即可以写成what order do you think they were invented in?么,为什么,请写出详尽解释,请说明为什么 ash翻译成中文嘛意思拜托了各位 谢谢 I heard this band once before and didn’t think they were all that hot.如何翻译. 用have sth under control造句 I have everything under control是什么意思 当我第一次唱歌的时候,我从您的眼里得到了您的泪珠——我永远 This disabled girl need our help.We are____to do something for herA protectedB invitedC sipposed顺便告诉我下为什么选这个答案非常感谢~~~ My father is imagine going to Beijing for a holiday.这句话怎么翻译?这里的imagine怎么不是imagining 形式呢? the color of the skyl the color og the sky 填以l开头的词 the colour of the comb的中文 At The End Of The Sky 译中文 Oh Darling I found a way across the skyFound a way that I could flyTo the origin of timeI rewound to a place I don't recallWhen my mother gave me lifeI don't remeber that at allAs it's so far and the memory is goneAnd 有一道数学题不理解具体看图