
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 05:55:45
一道(SAT) 语法 句子优化题!A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of business but (it has a) psychological effect on people.a.it has ab.as well in thec.also by thed.also thee.in the way of having a请问答案是什么?为 sat语法-句子提升Clara Barton founded the American branch of the Red Cross,a nurse who was sometimes called the “angel of the battlefield.”Answer Choices (A) Clara Barton founded the American branch of the Red Cross,(B) The founder of the Am SAT语法句子提升题,When we were cleaning the garage,my sister and I found [the old soccer ball in the dark corner we used to play with when we were young.]A.(as it is now)B.in a dark corner from when we were young the old soccer ball we played GMAT \ SAT 语法题句子结构解析In the past,many famous painters meticulously ground their own colors,an attention to detail that is noteworthy.逗号之后an attention to detail that is noteworthy.充当什么成分? 一道SAT语法题(完善句子)Like machinery was integral to the development of industrial capitalism,so the rapid transfer of information is the force driving modern business.A.LikeB.Given thatC.SinceD.Just asE.Although请问为什么选D?而且 第一继承人即将死亡,是否可以立下遗嘱分配还没有继承的遗产?比如,儿子去世后,父母可以继承儿子的遗产(遗产没有分配),但父母也将要死亡,是否可以立遗嘱要求分配该继承的遗产?如果死 遗嘱继承中,有多个继承人,其中一人先于遗嘱人去世.遗嘱生效时财产如何分割.遗嘱人名下有两套个人房产,分别赠与两个继承人.其中一继承人因意外死亡在遗嘱人之前.继承人死亡至遗嘱人死 请问大家第14题怎么做?谢谢! 初二数学运用平方差公式因式分解.谢谢 (属于运用平方差公式因式分解)已知圆环半径和半径差(差为正数)分别为a,b,求圆环面积.一定要用平方差公式因式分解, 初二数学运用平方差公式分解因式1计算(1^2+3^2+5^2+……+99^2)-(2^2+4^2+6^2+……+100^2) 国内外重大事件 40道初一计算题和30道几何题(我要答案和题目 直接贴在下方)明早就交了 8:00前给我啊 不然关了 必须要答案 不然不给分 苏教版的、 第23章只要第23章就可以叻.苏教版,从27页到38页的.(这个够清楚了吧..) 我要八下生物补充习题答案 八下生物补充习题答案第23章第二节 6,7,8, 求解,选择题对了采纳!题6.7.8.9 第十四题怎么样做? 请问那个第十四题怎么做? 这个第十四题怎么做啊,急 求今年国内发生的重大事件(政治)希望能够多一点,最好涉及“对自己、对他人、对社会的责任”这一主题. 祖国近年来发生的一些重大事件?写清时间、地点、人物、事件、最好简短一点.急! 根据意思写成语1.形容十分得意时的神态.2.话说得诚恳有分量,情深意长3.形容经过长期的锻炼和考验.4.形容包围严密,遍洒罗网. (2的算术平方根-5的算术平方根)的相反数是( ),绝对值是( ). 问几道令我抓狂的SAT语法题1.A recent report suggests that safety-conscious drivers need not limit themselves large vchicles.不是limit……to do sth 我觉得C错了,但答案是全对.2.The Environmental Protection Agency has named six w 如饥似渴 襟飘带舞 星罗棋布 斩钉截铁 满腹经纶 杯水车薪 怒发冲冠,这几个词分类 比喻、拟人、夸张、拟物端午节的由来30个字、习俗30个字邯郸学步的故事,不要意思,30个字 1979年有什么重大事件,意义是什么? 1,opposite to most people i know,Annie,a good photographer herself,actually enjoys seeing the photographs that her best friends take on their vacations.答案给的是opposite to 错了,2,at the reception were the chattering guests,the three-tiered c 1. to begin learning in the public school system.C.when each Sept a class of fresh faced,eager kindergartners arrives by school busD.Each Sept a class of fresh faced,eager kindergartners arrives by school bus但是我觉得是C.D中感觉有两个句 我的朋友作文(小学四年级作文水平)老师让我们收集我的朋友作文,学习他们怎么写的.是介绍朋友的 人—朋友—外貌:身材 、长相 性格:一件事/几件事语言动作神态描写清楚 我说了要有