
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:46:17
儿子的个性特征表现得很鲜明,其中最突出的两点是什么 冷了半截和心灰意冷是同义词吗 冷了半截和寒心是同义词吗 the president made a private school in that school.主语语态改被动语态 Is that Mr Rober Lee?A:Yes,Lee speakingB:I don't konw 一个等腰三角形的底边长为20厘米,将其中一腰10等份,过每个分点做平行于底边的直线,求这些夹在三角形两腰间的平行线段(不包括底边)的长度和. mr .smith has taught chemistry in that school for more years_?mr .smith has taught chemistry in that school for more years——?a,than any teachers b,than anyone c,than any teacher d,than anyone eles . 原句:Not until well after the rain had subsided the flood waters began to abate.更正:Not until well after the rain had subsided did the flood waters begin to abate.请问为什么原句是错误的 为什么需要did并且是放在the flood w 这是什么树,它干了,怎么养啊 对于树木的截干,嫁接.两者意思一样吗? 树木的干径怎么测? It is () the school.So I have to go to another school.Anear Bfar away Cfar from Daway from It's________(在.附近)the cinema.Is it _______(离.远)school. Who's the man?是什么意思 —I don't like cats.Cats aren't friendly enough.—____do I.A.SoB.NeitherC.tooD.also我觉得A和B都对的,应该选哪个?为什么? 门禁怎么构成啊 门禁系统有哪些部分组成的? 门禁系统由哪些部分组成? -I don't like dogs.They aren't friendly enough.-_________do I.A.Both B.No C.Neirher D.Never一定要说明下理由. 年夜菜的菜名和象征的意义帮忙想想过年吃什么年夜菜,这个菜象征这什么意义~ 英语翻译以上一句话是出自一个音响功能介绍说明书里的. 门禁系统的组成 几棵树你不让我我不让你呈现的是什么现象一个半包围.里面一个贵读什么 英语翻译:liquid foam deformation and stability due to an external mechanical solicitation 一些树的特征、作用、 谈final,finally,finalize的区别Java 、 请仔细说明、 Java中final,finally和finalize的区别是什么? final, finally, finalize 的区别. 谈谈final,finally,finalize的区别. Monitor CD User's Guide and Installation Files for L1950wD是什么意思啊 final,finally,finalize的区别是什么? Monitor CD User's Guide and Installation files for L197 Wide 是做什么用的?还有两张 driver for XP都是做什么的呢 怎么用啊