
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 23:47:34
三国演义28回感想!(越短越好) 红楼梦里的名句~ 定义在R上的偶函数f(x),满足f(x+2)=f(-x) 由f(x+2)=f(-x)可得f(x)关于x=1对称,而偶函数关于y轴对称这是怎么回事呢 还有f(x+2)=f(-x) ,它是表示两个函数相等还是同一函数不同自变量取值呢? don not lose heart because difficulties for everything will change ( ) time .A through B over C past D during 正确 还有 To you.I can give everything.Because.Without you,I will lose everything. Because of you,everything will be beautiful! Everything depends on you,because is always you didn't believe me中文意思 关于红楼梦的名言警句 自我介绍手抄报 心目中的桃花源是什么样子的 1.Some of my friends eat with their eyes.they poefer to order what [ ] nice.A fells B smells ClooD tastes.2.填单词 the bottleis [f ] of water 请用一两句话概述下列人物,每一条不少于15个字:富兰克林、谈迁、诺贝尔、李时珍、爱迪生、齐白石 用15个字概括富兰克林、李时珍、谈迁、诺贝尔、齐白石、爱迪生.(一定要好!不要太长,15字左右) 男生说爱上那个叫Max的女生,这个Max是英文名还是其它意思 在MAX中倒角剖面的命令英文名称是什么!· Amanda这个英文名是男的女的,还有Max.再帮我拼写两个英文名(如下)Amanda(阿曼达)这个名字看起来都是女的用的,可是我小学时课本上《地震中的父与子》中那个儿子也叫阿曼达啊!那个父亲喊:“ he got the highest marks in the exam.it was all___he has worked too hard.A,whyB,whichC,thatD,because说明理由,到底是什么? 不定式作表语she is to work可以这么说吗 表语后面可以跟什么啊?如 readers are at work 可以跟介词短语? 那表语后的词的词性是什么啊? 中国内地人名的英文名标准格式是什么?具体就是说拼音的顺序和大小写是怎样的? a some house with an interesting garden哪个地方错了 she的形容词性物主代词是什么,那宾格呢?是不是一样? 写出形容词性的物主代词:I you he she it she的形容词性物主代词 已知a/b=3/2,求a/a+b + b/a-b - b²/a²-b²的值. 1、(3a²分之2)+(4b分之3)-(6ab分之5)2、(x²-x分之1)+(2x²-2分之x-5)3、(x-y分之x)+x(y-x)分之y²4、(2a+2b分之a-b)- a²-b²分之a²+b² 李老师在课堂上出了这样的一道题:选择你喜欢且使用后面分式有意义的x、y的值,使y=x+2,将其代入(以下图片)中进行计算李老师说,只要同学们告诉他计算结果,她就能猜出你所选的x、y两数是多 求教:一条高一定语从句的问题Is this pen_________you lost yesterday?补充成定语从句的话 是不是填the one which但如果直接what可不可以呢Suzhou,where I spent my childhood,I have never been back to.这句话有没有问 请教有关高一定语从句1关于定语从句中as的出现eg.1.I want to use the same dictionary ( )was used yesterday.A.which B.who C.what D.as 而我选了A2.He isn't such a man( )he used to be.A.who B.whom C.that D.as 3.I have bought such a w This is one of the best films________this yearA which has been shown B that have been shown请教为什么不能选A(答案是B)看了答案是说与被动语态有关,不知能否也说明一下 一道定语从句的题高一The teacher accused him of cheating in the exam the other day.改成强调句:It was the teacher that accused him of cheating in the exam the other day.It was the exam that the teacher accused him of cheating the other 已知定义在R上的函数f(x)的图像关于y轴对称,且满足f(x)=-f(x+3/2),f(-1)=1,f(0)=-2,则f(1)+f(2)+…+f(2015)=( )A.1 B.2 C.-1 D.-2