
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 00:29:18
一块砖的底面积是3000平方厘米,高是4厘米.砌一面墙用了1500快,这面墙至少占多大的空间? 椭圆x2/(k+8)+y2/9=1的离心率e=1/2,k的值 How much ____________ this skirt?A am B is C are D beHow much ______the shoes?A am B is C are D beHow much __________this pair of socks?A am B is C are D beWhat is the ___________of your sweater?A color B size C price D style 英语选择题!急!1.They ____ two free tickets to Canada , other wise they'd never have been able to afford to go .A.had got B.got C.have got D.get2.About 87.5% of the Chinese people feel that their living burdens are heavier than ten years ago It was reported that the government and the troops _____ the victims and the earthquake-stricken areas in Qinghai province.A .relaxed B.relived C.guarded D.freedThe young man was driving his new car,bought in the three days ago,ih the ____of the airp 6.Regular exercise can you against heart disease.A.fight B.protect C.keep D.support7.Over a hundred people expressed their worries,but were willing to help.A.some B.many C.few D.little8.You can't do anything else until you your homework.A.finished B. 英语选择题急!1.___________50 dollars buying that dress yesterday.A.It took me B.It cost me C.I took D.I spent2.We must not walk____________the grass in the park.A.cross B.across C.from D.through3.I'm sorry.I can't____________it clearly.What doe 母爱像 ,可以比喻成什么 有(幸福)比喻的母爱句子 已知椭圆M:x2/a2+y2/b2=1的离心率为2√2/3且过点(√3,√6/3)求椭圆M的方程? 紧急!已知点P是椭圆x2/16+y2/8=1上的动点,若M是∠F1PF2已知点P是椭圆x2/16+y2/8=1上的动点,F1,F2为两个焦点,O是坐标原点,若M是∠F1PF2的角平分线上一点,且向量F1M*向量MP=0,则向量OM的取值范围是(?) 已知椭圆C:x2/a2+y2/b2=1与椭圆x2/4+y2/8=1有相同的离心率,则椭圆C的方程可能是() 炒菜的英文是什么? 椭圆x2/(a+8)+y2/9=1的离心率e=1/2,则a=_____ 问个小白问题,低温的液态氢气放在一个理论足够结实和密闭的容器里会怎样?这个容器防止常温环境?气态氢气如果不降温只压缩会怎样?当然会升温,高温的氢气很容易和容器起反应,如果 关于母爱初中作文600字 240墙一平方米需要128块标准砖.怎么求的? 常见的歇后语要20条 8.1是啥意思 利率1. 急Thank God!It' Friday again!A nice weekend!A:Me too B:Yes,I'll be free then.C:That's all right.D:The same to you.顺便给个理由吧!我自认为选C,级部第一名说选B, 急、一个英语选择题.He can't run______after the traffic accident.A、after B、at all C、in all D、for all感激不尽、 液态氢气可以与肥皂水混合吗用肥皂水吹泡泡、可以加入液态氢或氧吗? 若4^x-4^y=48,2^(x+y)=32,则3x-4y=?如题·· 3x^2-50x-17=0 平方立方是数学符号吗 怎么在电脑上打出数学符号,如;负号,平方立方等.速回 勾股定理是怎么做? 盖一间教室15厘米的砖要用200块,请问如果用24厘米的砖要多少块?请列出算术公式答案不是15*2000/24=125(块)对了是2000块不是200块 关于一个搬砖的小学数学题200块砖100人搬,每人搬一次.大人每人每次搬4块,小孩每人每次搬1块,最后还剩1块,问大人、小孩各几人?要思考的过程,通俗易懂的解题过程,结果是次要的. 喂狗吃东西的英语怎么说 爱情拿来喂狗 英语怎么说求英语达人解决哦