
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:58:03
永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定英语 用英语怎么翻译出永远不是一种距离,而是一决定 英语_environmental dmage is done,it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover.A Even ifB If only C While D One请指点原因 the hurricane and the damage ___ caused hsve done much harm to the united states为什么填it呀,请知道的朋友解释一下, the wind was responsible for the damage done to the house.done to the house是什么句子成分? 填空:John__ (work)all day yesterday.was working和worked,哪个答案更准确? my dad_(work)all day yesterday This is a _______,and it is helpful for your study. Is this a study?什么意思 John would rather_______a day off than work yesterday.AtakeB have takenC took Dtaking 为什么选B 周国平女儿死是因为什么 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定!只有想和不想 我的网名是''永远有多远"帮写个性签名还有个人说明 关于距离的个性签名 be obliged to do和feel obliged to do一样吗? 有谁知道be obliged to do Unfortunately,he lost both of his parents and all his ________(relative) after the war.He became an orphan. He lost both of his arms when he was six.改为简单句He lost both of his arms ___________________. 英语翻译BounceSarah ConnorBounce baby out the doorI ain't gonna take this no moreBounce baby out the doorGet up and moveDon't make me act a foolJust bounce baby out the doorI ain't gonna take this no moreBounce baby out the doorGet up and moveDon 顶艺意大利语的外教可以的吗?好不好的啊! 顶艺意大利语的外教有了解的没有的啊! 想去顶艺,不知道顶艺外教怎么样的? 英语演讲求教:What does being rich mean to you?求大家帮忙,帮写一篇2分钟左右的英语演讲稿,主题是:What does being rich mean to you?(对你来说,什么是富有?)请大家为我出谋划策,告诉我应该怎么写( 我想知道大家对于践踏民族尊严的行为大家怎么看?作为中国人, 尊严被践踏的时候你们是什么感想的? 英语翻译如题 翻译通顺 Thanks I haven't got a car.Neither?I.A,haveb,doc,am 三姑六婆指得是什么?具体都是什么职业? please fill the blank:HAPPY-____-WINDOWWHY? everything i can do ,i do it for you我想表达的意思是“任何事情我能做到的我都为你做”不知道是不是这 请问"三姑六婆"分别指什么?关于“三姑六婆”的来历,可追溯到明代.现代,三姑六婆被视为妇女无知,往往为其所害,或哄骗财物,或拐带衣物,这就是他的原意.求它指什么?! “三姑六婆”究竟指什么?