
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:13:26
英语阅读一篇, 一辆摩托车行56.5千米需要用汽油3.2千克,这辆摩托车平均每千米用汽油几千克?每千克汽油可以使这辆摩托车行驶多少千米(结果保留两位小数) "上善若水"和"尚善若水"哪个词语是正确的?出自哪里?准确意思是什么? 上善若水的善是什么的意思 一生行善,上善若水. 善上若水什么意思 善上若水是啥意思? 伊索寓言 好词好句好段快急要,解决后再加15分 请帮我作一篇英语阅读理解 The people in the United States speak the same language as the people in Great Britain(英国).However,American English is different from British(英国的)English in many ways.There are a few differences in gramm 伊索寓言中的好词好句好段如题要汉语,好段就行 请帮我作一篇 英语阅读理解 Many years ago,in a small town,there lived a doctor .He was good and kind .At any time of day and night ,he was always ready to go and help sick(有病的) people.Everyone in the town liked him and people always 描写伊索寓言的好词好句 求朋友们!帮我作英语阅读一篇In adulthood,the things that bring great joy –birth,love,and marriage – also bring responsibility and the risk of loss.Love may not last,lived ones die.For adults,happiness is complicated.My dictionary defi 昆虫记·伊索寓言好词好句越多越好《昆虫记》的好词好句好段摘抄 怎样作一篇英语阅读才能达到最好的效果 弱水是什么意思啊? Mr li is never late for class .对never 提问怎么说? RT He is never late for class,____he?- -____,sometimes 世界人口分布特点要简短点的 600字作文:让我欢喜让我忧 ( 什么 )让我欢喜让我忧 作文 作文《网络,让我欢喜让我忧》,600字左右就可以了...好的再加¥¥¥.. 若水什么意思? 作文题目《我的星期天》也最愿意写的一个星期天叙事的过程中写出你和家人的感受 400字左右 各位大哥大姐帮个忙因为个人比较宅所以实在不知道怎么写 急. 求大神帮忙写一篇作文题目《我们家的星期天》老师强调了们字. 周末作文没题目 日行一善作文要关于最近雅安大地震的 日行一善作文,450字左右 伊索寓言好词好句.读后感.感想 伊索寓言中的好词好句好词20好句10 you are ten minutes late for the first class peter 的意思