
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:14:52
双响炮最后一集插曲有首英文歌, 双响炮哪里有卖?湖南长沙有双响炮卖吗? 求一首英文歌曲.求爱的..我喜欢一个女的!但是他有男朋友.我想为她唱首英文歌曲!求爱的噢.. 双响炮狂想曲和双响炮有区别吗? 用was还是is填空:we went to a movie yesterday.It ( ) an action movie.我想知道这句是过去式还是一般现在时?为什么? 英译汉:It is''it is vitally important that employees be educated about the virus threat but this cannot be a one-off event. 英语翻译非常感谢你对我们的支持!我方将全力配合!关于产品品质,我们会严格要求.随后我会发给您我们的详细报价!祝您愉快!非常感谢你对我们的支持!我方将全力配合!在产品品质等方面 英语翻译首先我非常感谢您对我工作的肯定和认可以及那个沉甸甸的信封.说实话我现在还沉浸在喜悦之中,那种感觉就像是家人在给我庆祝生日一样的令人激动. 什么是黑咖啡,黑咖啡是黑色的吗? 黑咖啡和纯黑咖啡一样吗?什么是纯黑咖啡,有什么作用? a ,it's ,very,exciting ,movie,action 连词成句 she does often 和she often有什么不同啊? What does Ann often say when she meets people? when does she do homework?这问句怎么回答这是暑假作业的问句,我不会做,请大家教我 She often helps her mother ( ) her homework.用 do Or does为什么用 do? Is it going to rain?的答句 She did her homework after school.(对画线after school部分提问)We think they are very healthy(改为否定句)We have supper at eight in the evening(改为否定句) It's "shaolim temple".It's an action movie.It's very exciting.Jet Li is in the movie. The action movie is exciting改感叹句 it's going to rain.怎么变成否定句 It is a___interesting action movie.A.quite B.very C.to D.much A和B选哪个?为什么? Eric------(think)action movies are very interesting 用括号里的适当形式填空 我带你去喝咖啡 英文怎么说 Ill take you for coffee? It is interesting to hear what the class think about action movies. It's interesting to hear what the class think about action movies.为什么interesting后要加to啊?到底什么时候要加to什么时候不要加to啊? It is interesting to hear what the class _____action movies.答案是think about.think是加s还是不加s啊为什么啊? It was interesting to hear what the class think about action movieswhat可以省略吗 It was interesting to hear what the class think action movies.这句话有错在哪里?如题 you won't admit it you love me里you love me是it的同位语? Where there is marriage without love,there is not a marriage of love. very important.No love no marriage.Need true love rather than a marriage without love 这句的汉语翻 love will not end for marriage.when u are in true love ,u will forget your own trou ble and jiy,bulove will not end for marriage.when u are in true love ,u will forget your own trou ble and jiy,but care that of your partner.