
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:22:14
求歌!有两句歌词是这样的:I can see you smile,I can see you cry.是一个女的唱的,很温柔,节奏很慢今天偶然看CCTV10的一个自然类节目的插曲,属于一首轻音乐,其中有两句歌词是:I can see you smile,I can s great!what's ______?are you busy? 用have so much practice at fishing用have so much practice at fishing造句! What are you busy ____?I'm busy ____to the radio. Never stop smiling,not even when you're sad ,someone might fall in love with your smile what are you busy ( ) i'm busy ( )my homework -Was it there ______you were away to answer the phone?-There is no doubt about it.需要具体原因~为什么不能填that作强调句 而选whileA that B while 请问这句话有没有问题They even can smile and cry -was it there---you were away to answer the phone?-There is no doubt about it.A that B which C while D where 选什么为什么 I was always calling you yesterday but there was no answer 为什么用answer () There ___ anyone in the office now because there is no answer to the phone.A can't be B musn't be You are so busy .What do you want me _________for you?A.do B.done C.to do D.doing I want some bread and he wants some,too的同义句 did you enjoy ------at the party .Jimmy 为什么不是 myself 而是yourself are you busy now,Milk? No,I have(n )to do Are you busy now?和DO you busy now?是不是问动作全部要用动作do来提问? Are you busy now?Are you busy now?Sorry,but i want to looking for somebody chat with me in english.because i am very boringlol maybe that is your view are you too stupid to do anything right翻译 英语翻译find no money ; i open my life ,then i find you ; then i know how rich i am ;happy thanks giving day;这个接上面, 关于女性的生理期现在在上班了 不知道是不是压力大了 上次月经提前一个礼拜 这次提前2个礼拜 跟没在生理期一样 以前读书 在家时候很准时的 没有乱过 就是工作了 虽然吃饭睡觉都还好 中国历史上有哪些人物被刺杀问被刺杀的历史人物,不太出名的也行,最好是武将,有恶行的,叫人除害的那种最好.有知道的说一声呀.上面的都不太对呀,必须是坏人,将军之类的就可以了.用不着 有谁知道怎么样能怀上双胞胎啊 ,我好喜欢双胞胎,龙凤胎更好,好想结婚后怀上双胞胎, are you still busy now?yes,i__my work,and it won't take longam just finishing am just going to finish有森尼区别啊 选哪个 you still busy—Are you still busy?—Yes.I___the report for the manager and it won't take long.B.am just finishing D.am just going to finish这道题目受到答案的影响好多人选了b但是我认为bd 都是可以的B表示的含义是:我 hello how are you I think you are still busy ...I think you don't have any interest in our relationship .. 影响聚落形成的发展的主要自然因素包括地形,什么和什么? 影响图中聚落分布共同的社会经济因素是 (A)交通 (B)旅游 (C)矿产 (D)地形 聚落选址的共同地形因素是 经期怎么计算 怎么计算女性生理期?我女朋友每次我都错过,不是提前就是延后,而且不沾边他一提前我就是延后了.现在他对我老大意见了,求求你们救救我!在不学会,我的命运.求举例、就拿1号给我举个例子. 生理周期计算我前三个月都是26号来的 ,这个月16号我们做的 一开始带 后来外射 今天都28了还没来 会怀孕吗 生理周期的计算