
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:49:00
崇尚科学 反对迷信发 征文 八百字左右急用! 如何判断need在句中属于情态动词还是普通动词?在否定句中很容易识别,可是在陈述句中我就很难分辨如果解说明白, 专业英语翻译 有会的帮帮忙啊 谢谢阿!Bypassing—If bypassing of the flow is required aroundthe sections of pipe designated for reconstruction, the bypassshould be made by plugging the line at a point upstream of thepipe to be reconstru Long time without the feeling so I cleaning the house now改错 DO you often talking with your students改错 急,用函数的形式写1.已知等式(2A-7B)X+(3A-8B)=8X+10.对于任意实数X都成立,求实数A、B的值2.关于x、y函数y=(m-3)x的m-1次方+x+3(x≠0).问当m为何值时,此函数为一次函数? 1.已知直线y=kx+b经过点A(m,3)与点B(-2,n)且m,n满足m的平方+n的平方-6m-4n+13=0.求此函数的解析式.2.若一次函数y=(m+根三)x+m的平方+m的平方+根三m的图像过原点(0,0),求m的值.过程麻烦些的易 many students are swimming in the swimming pswimming p< >后面p的后面有括号 One can't be too careful,can one?这句话怎么翻译? “no pain,no 黑布林是什么水果? 水果黑布林是热性还是凉性水果? 英语翻译楼上说的好像是蓝梅 黑布林水果有没有负作用 I build a new English group, Welcome everybody join usthe number is 11148273 if you like English you can come in! no translation 建一间新学校 用英语怎么说?是build up a new schoo还是build a new school?可以的话 说一下两个词的区别 英语翻译1.Create a new group by creating a new folder (optional)2.In the group folder,create a folder for your song3.Copy all the files for your song into the song folder- background (optional)- banner (optional)- music (required)- BMS files or D 孙悟空借芭蕉扇的目的是什么 do a job with something 根据英文释文完成单词根据英文释文完成单词u_____ do a job with something 英语翻译还有否疑肯否 他没有把面包送给德国兵,而是送给了俄国兵,因为他的飞机被强迫降落了.这句话用了什么修辞手法? 请问英语中有"主语+谓语+间宾+状语"结构吗?若有请举几个例子! 翻译Having finished the letter,he folded it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss谢谢 Miss a 还有Take a short cut 感激不尽! Finally we are no finally we are no one 孝经中 诸侯 袋中装有4只红球,2只白球,1只黄球,这些球除颜色外完全相同,小聪认为袋中共有袋中装有4个红球、2个白球、1个黄球,这些球除了颜色外都相同.小明认为袋中共有三种不同颜色的球,所以从袋中 捷径的通常表达为:short cut,可我查了字典,cut没“通道、通路”的意思 ------to pass the 2009 college entrance examination made my whole family unhappy .------to pass the 2009 college entrance examination made my whole family unhappy .A My daughter failed B My daughter failing C My daughter 's failing D My daughter havi 关于自花传粉的问题自花传粉的概念指两性花的花粉落到同一朵花的雌蕊的柱头上的过程.我想确定一下,一定是发生在一朵花中吗?还是发生在同一植株也可以呢? I was the f_____ in my family to go to college