
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:22:28
吨能组什么词语 1、______,the firemen could quench the fire.A try they would B as they tried C what they tried D try as they would.为什么不能选项B,2、The older the goose,______to pluck.A it is the harder B the harder C the hardest D it is hard这是什么 请看物理题,请讲解详细思路!O(∩_∩)O谢谢!还有我搞不清楚平均速度是速度加起来平均么?某运动员在百米跑道上以8M/S的速度跑了80米,然后又以2M/S的速度走了20M,这个运动员通过这段路的平均 Excuse me.Do you have a table for two? Sorry,_____there aren't any seats now.Do you mind waitingfor a while?此处为什么用but而不用and,and和but的用法是什么? pleasant词性上变成反义词如agree-disagree when ___ you have a contest? sorry i___know 1.are.don`t 2.do aren`t 3.are aren`t 4.do don`t 祖国颂.`````~短一点的~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!@#$急! iso9001,iso1400和iso2000分别是指什么? ISO900,ISO9001,ISO9002,ISO9003,ISO9004,ISO1400有什么区别,是什么意思! 你怎么理解Iso9001 埃字组词,急--- 用埃组词!如:埃及... 埃的组词6个以上!好的话我会追加分的! 厦怎么组词用xia 这个音我弄错了,我要的是厦sha 祖国颂征文怎么写,必须要自己写的,急,分不是问题,给30分,快,祖国颂征文, 中华赞,祖国颂征文建议以清明节端午节……一些传统节日为挈机,深入挖掘中华传统文化精髓和传统节日的历史底蕴.400字以上500字以下.好的话会追100分的! which is right?A.let,s make a cake to your monter B.a cook cooksfoodb four peopiec.the apple come from japan are dearer D.Help yourselves to some sushi,Milk and TimYou __buy any sweets.We have someA.need B.needn't to C.don't need D.don't need to 问 庆祝生日 提示词 cook a big dinner make a cake do some cleaning make a birthday card sing a song 把下列名词变为复数 shirt watch egg tomatopotato jacket plane fishdeer hero radio pianofamily child mouse busfoot tooth Chinese GermanAmerican knife wife Englishman 把下列名词变成复数teacher,desk,cap,dog,house,bus,box,peach,student,bed,city,scarf,hero,man,sheep,child.bus,dictonary,chair,uncle,driver,sheep,knife,inan,vase,watch,horse,woman,match,horse,woman,match,goat,party,child,bike,map,foot. aunt /never /makes /cake /a /birthday /my / . he sings so fast that i can not listen 1.Your brother need his notebook .can you( ) it to him?2.Look( ) the map .it is a map( )china 名词的复数形式如何变化?如题 名词的复数形式怎么变化? Read the ____(需求广告)____(介词)your sister. 有一个"日",由七跟火柴棍构成,现在给上下两根接上电源(我们假设他能导电),如果其余的火柴棍上各穿一个电阻,为了方便起见,我们可以从左到右,从上到下,就像读书一样,依次标注为1,2,3,4,5,那 不同电压设备的同一电路的链接我们车间是380V的电源,有一些设备的额定电压是220V,应该怎么样去连接呢?是不是需要变压器啊? 一个人双脚站立与行走时相比较,地面受力面积之比为 __,地面受到的压力之比为___,对地面的压强之比__. i donnot know (what还是how)to cook for dinner 步测一个圆形花坛周长,两人的走向和起点完全相反,一人每步长54厘米,另一人每步长72厘米,两人脚步有重合走完一圈后只留下60个脚印,这个花坛的周长是多少?(答案是21.6米,)急!