
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:42:29
whether we can have the sports meeting depends on the weather为什么depend加S? change--not a bad thing! 为什么she depend on而it depends on啊? "The only thing I did not change is to his heart"这句什么意思? depend on,depends on,放在句首用哪个?depend on 放在句首应该加 s 如 “Depends on you”还有类似的 Seems like ,放在句首应该加s 如 “Seems like she's so happy” 使命召唤6的开头背景朗读是虾米?英文的,就那个“more thing is change…………”那句话 1条染色单体含有1个双链的DNA分子那么四分体时期中的1条染色体含有几个双链的DNA分子 有几个染色单体.有几个DNA 分子.几个染色体 international的中文意思 In recent days,we have to face I problem-----A,which is becoming more and more serious.有错吗应该改成这样么 In recent days,we have to face a problem- shelf什么意思 shelf是啥意思? remothing registered can do the following things ______ our EnglishWe can do the following things ______ our English.A.for improving B.in order to improve C.improve D.so that improve things we can't do英语作文我们不能做的事情 60字 These robots can do the same things___ we do.为什么填as,不填like?有什么区别啊?这里面as是什么词性什么意思?到底它和like该怎么用啊?请不要摘抄网上的. the only man who can change his mind is a man that is got one 的汉语意思edward noyes westcott all the happiness always be a friend of us翻译下`谢谢 my only is who? 冰岛火山爆发会影响全球天气吗 Sorry,I love hurt you. i love you but you hurt You are the one who holds the key to my 肯德基门,肯德基门? Dear,I will spend my life time to win your happiness.这句英语什么意思 How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today. 40,by,Sunshine,Town,minutes,underground,it,take,to连词成句 The boy takes the underground ,空格 waiks for ten minutes to get home空格里面填什么 空格后面 的打错了是walks DNA分子与染色体有什么关系啊 关于染色体和DNA分子的关系的正确叙述是①DNA分子数目加倍时,染色体数目也加倍 ②染色体数目减半时,DNA分子数目也减半 ③染色体数目不加倍时,DNA数目也加倍 ④染色体复制时,DNA也复制 哪 是不是 有几条染色体 就有几个DNA分子呢?如果不是 该怎么样 判断? It will take us 30 minutes to go to Nanjing by underground同义句We will spend 30 minutes ()()underground to Nanjing