
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 22:24:46
六年级作文我的理想是当数学家就这个,今天要用, 作文 my visit to my classmate's home my visit to beijing50字作文【过去时】急用快一定是过去时 My sister plays sports every day.改为否定句 I like to piay with my sister改为否定句 My sister doesn't like sports,too.错在哪里? 英语翻译只要可以给她幸福快乐,并证明了我的存在那样就足够了.这句话, 英语翻译He called himself a "two-shift man" because he worked 16 out of every 24 hours.请大神翻译全句并单独翻译“two-shift man”和“out of”的意思.翻译请尽量清晰、简洁、易懂! 一肉店卖出猪肉和牛肉共650千克,卖出的猪肉是卖出牛肉的9倍.猪、牛肉各卖了多少千克? 每个人都有自己的理想,有人想当医生,有人想当老师,有人想当歌星……而我的理想则是当一名数学家.你可 柚子茶怎样做 我的理想 却结尾 150字就行 怎样做柚子茶 柚子茶怎么制作? 柚子茶怎么做 如何做柚子茶 英语翻译1 the water in the village wells rose and fell,rose and fell2 the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.but the one million people of the city,who thiught little of these events,were asleep as usual that night3 A huge crack that 求一片关爱的作文450字 你平时读哪几种报纸?请写下名称? 你读过哪些报刊?请先写出报刊名称,然后写一段向同学们推荐你最喜欢的一种报刊 请写几种著名的报纸名称和几个著名的网站急 求翻译句子,不要百度,要人工翻译Despite their large size dinosaurs share some treats with modern animals.Like today 's reptiles most,if not all dinosaurs,laid eggs. 英语翻译"He's a brave man." The clerk at the counter said,"Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age.During his recovery he made a promise that his life wouldn't change.So,as before,he and his wife come in whenever there's a 关于议论文中的名人失败的例子.只是失败,没有成功.注意是反例 扬长避短的例子,写议论文用的.反例也行.要新的.最好2011年发生的. (给跪了!)急求关于没有毅力的小故事,就是因没有毅力而失败的事例 要写议论文的反例 感恩故事议论文反例 蜡有毒吗就是拜佛烧香的红色的那种蜡烛 烧了以后会有那种红色的液体 那种液体食用有毒吗?按道理应该有毒 但是具体怎么样呢 讲清楚 最好有点科学依据额 一定讲清楚毒怎么样之类的` 像n 如何去除柚子皮上面的蜡 (亲们请谈谈自己的理解,发表客观的看法,严禁抄袭百度百科的.假如我想让像windy339a 这样的人抄袭的话,) 求详解 中秋节的日记500字