
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 16:22:36
请问江阴哪里有可以在杯子上印上任何图案的地方?江阴什么地方有啊?告诉我具体地址,最好也加上价钱.或者山观有最好了!拜托啦!万分感谢! 什么的海洋?填颜色.比如稻田是金色的海洋. 海有几种颜色? 如何利用低量程的电位差计校准比其量程高的电压表?画出测试线路图 某类型电位差计,量程为171mv.设计用他校准1.5V量程电压表的电路 What's this sentence mean?Could you say something about Suzhou's spring Useing five sentences?Thanks! 经过精确校准的电压表V1 V2经过精确校准的电压表V1 V2,先后接在两电阻串联的电路的同一电阻上,读数依次为12.3V 12.7V 则 为什么 加在两电阻间的实际电压应大于12.7V?是R1和R2串联,两个电压表 what's this sentence mean!3Qtheir problem is a linguistic inferiority complex,in other words,they worry what they won't be able to speaks as well as other people,so they feel inferior in their presence. 怎样校验电压表 what's mean of this sentence?All relevant indicators support this view in an impressive way. What does this sentence mean?It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends?Does this sentence mean that:Because someone loses his old friends,therefore he moves to a new place to soothe the pai ---------》This sentence what mean?RT,求翻译!This sentence what mean? 海是什么色 天空蓝和海洋色哪个颜色深 粉红色的海洋在哪上次有在新闻看到粉红色的海洋 好像是外国那边的有谁知道它分布在哪? 世界上有没有海色贝壳?海有没有颜色?有海色贝壳吗? a few try 英文翻译中文you never know someone is right heresomeone is waiting just for youhoping someday you will knowwe will be gotether, our love will growso many dreams drift it awaybut i love you just as i sayno one ask could change the wayi 英语翻译In previous lessons you have learned about many different types of writing:news,novels,editorials,to name a few.这句话里的“to name a few”,应译作什么? 黄历上的冲狗是什么意思?我是87.3.20生的`那天刚好冲狗,我爸爸就是属狗的`我和我爸爸的关系一直很不好`有这方面的原因吗? 带时字的四字词语、急需.谐音也可.也需要一些带钟字的四字词, 那首歌里有我相信这句词 吉林大学为什么有食品科学与工程的硕士 Paying the cost的意思 the duty paying value C------can make snowmen it's great 快啦··根据首字母填空···C( ) can make snowmen it's great fun 当一个弹簧拉着俩个物体时,为什么弹簧达到最大时, 运动物体接触静止带弹簧物体,为什么两物体速度相同时弹簧压缩最大 物体被弹簧弹起何时速度最大 老黄历中的重日是什么意思 Sugar-coated berry是什么意思偶会给分 英语翻译如果可以请私信我 弹簧、能量.我倾我所有的分了,如下图所示,质量为M的长滑块静止在光滑水平面上,左端固定一劲度系数为K且足够长的水平轻质弹簧,右侧用一不可伸长的细绳连接于竖直墙上,细绳所能承受的