
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 06:07:24
腮痣的含义,即耳下的下巴上 读书,让我有个好心情 修改作文 今天晚上7点钟以前 书,是我们人生中不可缺少的;书,是我们最好的老师;书,是我们生命的一部分,书,使我增强了分清对与错、黑与白的能力;书,使我爱学习, 分道扬辘的反义词 6x²+6x-72 的DY/DX dy/dx=?,if y=[3^√x+1]^4Y等于(x+1开3次方)^4,求dy/dx=?, 200米跑道,弯道半径16.7米,直道段长46.8米,共4道,分道宽1.25米,计算出分道起跑线. (y^2-6x)dy/dx+2y=0微积分 英语翻译 完形填空:Would you be interested in ---------(go)? that sounds like something I would be interested in.请您帮我解释下这句话的语法, 英语差该怎么练习我是高考生,英语一直很差,平均考六七十,词汇少,时间不多了,还有一百八十多天,我该怎么练习?说具体一点,做什么题, 怎么练习英语?英语好差啊! 请问英语高手would you be interestedin writing a business letter.请问句子怎么翻译可以换成are you interested in you wouldn't be interested in it,would you?No,I wouldn't.回答的人到底是不是interested in it?如何判断? 翻译下Would you be interested in my offer then? 活着的意义,人的灵魂在哪里,是在0维空间么/ 函数f(x)=ax平方+2ax+1(a大于0)在区间[-3.2]上有最大值4.则=多少 If I were any younger,I would do ( )I am interested in. 英语翻译不要在线翻译的,不给浑水摸鱼的人分,30分只是看看有没有人翻译,原创翻译的+50分I remember how you radiateChemicals react on acetateThe camera never lies,it stole my fateNow I can't find my wayA lullaby,race the 英语翻译不给分给浑水摸鱼的,在线翻译的也不行,30分只是看看有没有人翻译,原创手动翻译的给+50I wanna turn you on againturn you around and maybe then tune you outI don't know how to make it realwhat ever you want it' 英语翻译不要在线翻译,浑水摸鱼的不给分,由于歌词短,所以不给太多分,翻译诗化的+30歌词如下The RESCUE-American Hi-Fi I wish we could back to the beginningcause there's something missing from your eyes.We lost a lifeti 有一道一元二次不等式不会解,解不等式:(x^2+2x-3)/(-x^2+x+6) 一元二次不等式解法的应用,,进来下(1) A={x∣∣x-a∣≤1},B={x^2-5x+4≥0},若A∩B=空集,则实数的取值范围是________(2)不等式 x-1除于x^2-4 > 0的解集是________答案是(1) (2,3)(2) (-2,1)∪(2,+∞) 有关身边人的道德故事,快,要真实的 一元二次不等式解法应用,快进来下,解56x^2 + ax - a^2 < 0当a>0时原不等式的解集是{x∣-a除于7 < x < a除于8}当a=0时原不等式的解集是 空集当a<0时原不等式的解集是{x∣a除于8 < x < -a除于7} the poor boys has no father and no mother now(同义句)the poor boys has no father and no mother now.the poor boys has _ father _ mother now Her father has no work now.He is a—— worker 红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲具体表现在什么地方? 已知圆O:x²+y²=1和点M(4,2)过点M向圆O引切线L求直线L的方程求以M为圆心,且被直线y=2x-1截得的弦长为4的圆M的方程设P是中圆M上任一点,过点P向圆O引切线,切点为Q,试探究:平面内 To many foreigners,GuangZhou has become their _______hometomn. A.two B.second C.the sTo many foreigners,GuangZhou has become their _______hometomn.A.two B.second C.the second 用的是基本不等式. 三个小朋友跳绳,王英跳了240下,李强跳的是王英的5/6,张亮跳的是李强的9/10,张亮跳了多少下?